
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 13/Sep/2010  

میں خدا کو نہيں مانتا ۔ ڈاکٹر عصمت حیات علوی
Posted By: dr._asmat_hayat_alvi On: 13/Sep/2010 Views:2150 Replies:1 
. Click here to read Full Article
A very very serious warning ...while air travel
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 13/Sep/2010 Views:4169 Replies:0 
Yesterday only I came to know of a case from a friend of mine which is very scary. One of his friends was traveling to UK via Dubai. Unfortunately he was carrying a packet of Khas Khaas which is a commonly used spice in some Indian curries and sweets. Khas Khaas is also known as poppy seed which can be sprouted to grow narcotics (afeem etc.). Click here to read Full Article
Spot-fixing shadow over IPL II now, report talks of a list of 29
Posted By: Noman On: 13/Sep/2010 Views:3711 Replies:4 
Investigations are undergoing from last so many days, news is in media as well, but its not a big news. Because no Pakistani/Muslim player is involved. When our own media was targeting our own players, that time this news was available, but no one tried to counter attack, what a shame. Click here to read Full Article

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