
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 3/28/2014 12:00:00 AM  

A Pearl and a Drop of Water By: Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Posted By: Dr.Maqsood On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:2126 Replies:0 
Like a burning candle I shed tears all the night. And brighten the dense dark shadows with gleams. With a passion to decipher between wrong and right. A visionary poet lives in the hollow shells of dreams. A pearl is a drop of water poised in shell it is elevated. It distances itself from the turbulent waves of the sea. By the benevolent hand of Nature it is carved and created. After trials and Click here to read Full Article
Joint cricketism: India IPL has over done its mandate!
Posted By: abdulruff On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:1462 Replies:0 
It is sad the Supreme Court, under tremendous pressure from Congress-BJP C regime, also bats for the bogus IPL. IPL was launched by corporatist regime and BCCI not just tp entertain people who are disgusted with politicians and government, but only to promote a fake hero sachim tendulkar to look larger than his worth so that Indian regime (Congress party and BJP) to appoint him Pharatratna d Click here to read Full Article
Bangladesh: Hasina Wajid lacks Sportsman Spirit By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:2754 Replies:0 
Bangladeshi Prime Minister, Hasina Wajid got furious after seeing local supporters flying Pakistani flags during Pakistan matches against Australia and India in Cricket World Cup T-20. Reportedly, she showed announce to the Bangladeshi administration over locals love for Pakistani Cricket Team. She asked them to ban local supporters from stadiums if they are seen carrying the flags of any of the o Click here to read Full Article
Myth & Reality about Devaluation of US Dollar
Posted By: AliSyed On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:1909 Replies:0 
The inherent motive behind lowering value of the US dollar against the Pak Rupee. When Nawaz's younger son Hasan launched Flagship Holdings in London in 2002-03 (it is closed down now)--it also introduced establishment of a 'hedge fund' with an investment of £300 million ($500 million). The Flagship thrived unprecedentedly, during the past ten years, on the strengthen of: 1) Cash flow of £300 mill Click here to read Full Article
Was there an attempted military coup in India? by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:1461 Replies:0 
World thinks as a dominant democracy, India cannot undergo military coups and, therefore, has not knowledge about an attempted coup in Indian capitals New Delhi because the government very systematically hid the matter under the carpet and kept vigilance guys to maintain strict vigil over the issue. Click here to read Full Article
Possibility of Booming Pak Real Estate Business by By Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 28/Mar/2014 Views:2604 Replies:0 
Business activities irrespective of its nature do play a pivotal role in strengthening the overall economy of any country. Every, government tries to attract the investors to invest their money for earning handsome profit in some safe various business fields. However, tendency of investment reveals that most of the Pakistani overseas preferring investment in Real Estate Business. The overseas inv Click here to read Full Article

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