
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 5/20/2007 12:00:00 AM  

Nawaz Sharif is the best option in this current situation of Pakistan -Urdu
Posted By: iffi On: 20/May/2007 Views:3755 Replies:0 
he is the only party leader who has clear dimension, has agenda which is in favor of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, have made mistakes like others but looks learned man now Click here to read Full Article
General Pervez Musharraf says he may consider extra-constitution methods.
Posted By: Noman On: 20/May/2007 Views:1853 Replies:0 
He was talking about his re-election by the electoral college in October-November before the next general elections. Why did he refer to the need for taking "extra-constitutiona l" metho Click here to read Full Article

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