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User Name: iffi
Full Name: Afifa Fatima
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 11
Afifa Fatima's Favorite Voices
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An American journalist criticizing the drone attacks on pakistan
Posted By: iffi Created On: 3/May/2012 Views: 2616 Replies: 0 
An American journalist criticizing the drone attacks on pakistan Click here to read Full Article

Shaista Wahidi is Sick . Must See This Video
Posted By: iffi On: 31/Aug/2011 Views:8587 Replies:3 
.Shaista Wahidi,clearly denied the existence of "JANNAT" in Aakhirat and advised viewers to not do BHAROSA on Jannat...Nauzubillah...strict action should be taken on her comments and she should be banned from live anchoring for such irresponsible & un-Islamic views. Click here to read Full Article
Beautiful Mehndi Designs II
Posted By: iffi On: 6/Oct/2007 Views:5755 Replies:0 
Special Designs for Eid Click here to read Full Article
Beautiful Mehndi Designs I
Posted By: iffi On: 6/Oct/2007 Views:10517 Replies:0 
Here is a collection of beautiful mehndi designs especiall for EID Click here to read Full Article
Nawaz Sharif is the best option in this current situation of Pakistan -Urdu
Posted By: iffi On: 20/May/2007 Views:3765 Replies:0 
he is the only party leader who has clear dimension, has agenda which is in favor of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, have made mistakes like others but looks learned man now Click here to read Full Article
look at the presentation
Posted By: iffi On: 28/Aug/2006 Views:4299 Replies:0 
How many times do we miss ALLAH blessings because they Click here to read Full Article
Will America Assassinate General Musharraf?
Posted By: iffi On: 27/Aug/2006 Views:3993 Replies:0 
General Musharraf wants to remain president-in-uniform till 2012. America wants to keep Pakistan occupied by its armed forces for as long as possible. It seems that with these complimentary Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan·s Musharaf Blackmailed by US?
Posted By: iffi On: 27/Aug/2006 Views:4149 Replies:0 
NEW WORLD DISORDER From Lebanon to Turkey to Sri Lanka to Pakistan to Iraq to Afghanistan to Iran.... Click here to read Full Article
The Muslim malaise
Posted By: iffi On: 27/Aug/2006 Views:3678 Replies:0 
A Powerless People, Power, after all, is not just military strength. It is the social power that comes from democracy, the cultural power that comes from freedom of _expression and research, Click here to read Full Article
Story of a person converted to Islam
Posted By: iffi On: 19/Aug/2006 Views:4181 Replies:0 
My name is Martin and I am 23 years old. I have shown my interest on Islam long time ago. I became a Muslim in March Click here to read Full Article
Four islamic stories to refresh our belives
Posted By: iffi On: 15/Aug/2006 Views:3655 Replies:0 
Four islamic stories narrated from Hadith Click here to read Full Article

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Beautiful Mehndi Designs I
Views:10517 Replies:0
Shaista Wahidi is Sick . Must See This Video
Views:8587 Replies:3
Beautiful Mehndi Designs II
Views:5755 Replies:0
look at the presentation
Views:4299 Replies:0
Story of a person converted to Islam
Views:4181 Replies:0
Pakistan·s Musharaf Blackmailed by US?
Views:4149 Replies:0
Will America Assassinate General Musharraf?
Views:3993 Replies:0
Nawaz Sharif is the best option in this current situation of Pakistan -Urdu
Views:3765 Replies:0
The Muslim malaise
Views:3678 Replies:0
Four islamic stories to refresh our belives
Views:3655 Replies:0
An American journalist criticizing the drone attacks on pakistan
Views:2616 Replies:0

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