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امریکی دہشت گرد اور ویانا کنونشن ۔ مدثر فیضی
Posted By: Mudassar_Faizi On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:3184 Replies:5 
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گھرکےدروازوں پہ دستک دےرہا ہےانقلاب۔ محمداحمدترازی
Posted By: tarazi On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1916 Replies:0 
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Kick Out American Puppets By International Professor
Posted By: International_Professor On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:3681 Replies:4 
The US Government Is Considering A ban on issuance of visa to those people who suopported the assassination of former punjab governer salman taseer earlier this month. Click here to read Full Article
Elections In Tribal Region. by Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:2408 Replies:0 
A recent report by an investigative journalist of a known newspaper on how tribal senators bought their way into the Senate is not something new. History reveals that candidates have regularly been violating rules, both in tribal and settled areas, under the very noses of the Election Commission. The difference is that in settled areas, candidates take advantage of loopholes in the law while in th Click here to read Full Article
News 31-01-2011 by Shahid Ghuman
Posted By: GuranwalaOffice On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:2438 Replies:0 
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JUP News 31/01/2011
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1684 Replies:0 
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دنیا میں انقلاب کی لہر ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1813 Replies:0 
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الیکٹرانک ووٹنگ ۔ قیصر مظفر
Posted By: qaisar@taif On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1632 Replies:0 
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Islamic Ties with USA Cause Destabilization by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1625 Replies:0 
It is worth noticing that any Muslim nation that has ties with USA could one day render helpless at US manipulative tactics and eventually become a incapable, dependent nation, destabilizing itself. The best example if Islamic Pakistan which is unable to come out of USA clutches even today when American drones are murdering innocent Muslims and western embassies are offering cocktail parties to s Click here to read Full Article
US-Russia Relations: Common Enemies & Shared Interests -II by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1559 Replies:0 
Washington avoids direct wars with equal powers like Russia. Both try to “settle” their mutual “bites” on alien lands but as quickly as possible so as not to distract from the ongoing illegal genocides of Afghans, Pakistanis and Iraqis. The key objective of US policy for Moscow now is to somehow make Russia behave pro-US in collaborating with the NATO terror syndicate by the US-UK terror Click here to read Full Article
انقلابی تھپڑ ۔ اظہار اللہ
Posted By: IzharUllah On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:2073 Replies:0 
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معزور افرادا ور ہمارے معاشرتی رویے ۔ قاسم علی
Posted By: QasimAli On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1776 Replies:0 
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جناب سید جعفر امیر کی پانچ کتابوں کی رونمائی
Posted By: KhurramNafees On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:2237 Replies:0 
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علاج بالغذا
Posted By: DailyRavi On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:2714 Replies:0 
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Pakistan needs US support by Muhammad Azam Agha
Posted By: Zaheer On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1868 Replies:0 
While Indian threat has not diminished, Pakistan has been plagued by a host of other issues. Poor economy has resulted into gradual negative slide of growth, and increase in poverty. Similarly governance issues have spawned anarchic situation and lack of public trust in systems and institutions. An alarming situation has been created by elevation of extremism and radicalisation of society on top o Click here to read Full Article
Domino effect by Dr. Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1827 Replies:0 
Nature plays its role in mysterious ways. Who would have thought that self immolation of one man in Tunisia could act like the first falling domino crushing the authoritarian regime of Ben Ali. The second domino to fall would be in Egypt with ouster of Hosni Mubarak's thirty years brutal and corrupt regime. With its fall, the domino effect might spread to the rest of the Muslim World bringing down Click here to read Full Article
پاکستانیوں کاقتل''جارحانہ''دہشت گردی ہے۔شاکرقریشی
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1914 Replies:0 
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Posted By: Zaheer On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:2126 Replies:0 
Due to its unique geo-strategic position, Afghanistan has historically been a battle ground amongst the power jockeying for influence on the world stage since nineteenth century. Different players used/are using Afghan land for their strategic interests. Its pivotal triangular location in this world at the confluence of South Asia, Central Asia and South-west Asia compounds her security problems i Click here to read Full Article
اگراورجیتےرہتے یہی انتظار ہوتا ۔ ڈاکٹرعبدالقدیرخان
Posted By: AQKhan On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1831 Replies:0 
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کیاپاکستان بھی مصر بن سکتا ہے؟ حامد میر
Posted By: Hamid_Mir On: 31/Jan/2011 Views:1827 Replies:0 
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