"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Zaheer
Full Name: Zaheerul Hassan
User since: 20/Jun/2009
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Pakistan needs US support by Muhammad Azam Agha

While Indian threat has not diminished, Pakistan has been plagued by a host of other issues. Poor economy has resulted into gradual negative slide of growth, and increase in poverty. Similarly governance issues have spawned anarchic situation and lack of public trust in systems and institutions. An alarming situation has been created by elevation of extremism and radicalisation of society on top of this list. This is amply highlighted by recent murder of Governor Salman Taseer and public reaction thereof. Murder of leadership is not a new thing in history, but the way Pakistani society finds itself divided over the issue is mind boggling. Even middle course followers are increasingly feeling unsafe and reluctant to voice their true feelings over the issue. A sudden transformation has come about for the worse. It seems that the cancer of radicalisation has silently spread far and wide, and one finds oneself marooned on an iceberg far out into the sea. One is likely to be stamped a heretic the moment a sane opinion is sounded, and worst is that branded so by half educated, gun wielding, self-proclaimed guardians of Islam. Whether it is personalities like Javed Ghamdi, and the Maulana who led funeral prayers for Governor Salman Taseer, or others who are inwardly seething at the hijacking of Pakistani state by those religious elements that were against its creation from the start, almost all have either gone underground or are thinking of leaving the country. Can there be a worst nightmare for true patriots? Most American functionaries, both in and out of uniform, have been quick to point out that this is what they have been saying all along, but Pakistani intelligentsia and general public has not been paying heed to them. Is it the low IQ of Pakistanis that they are slow at assimilating this American advice, or there have been some strings attached which are the real bone of contention? American bailing out of Pakistanis since early 50s has not resulted into pro-US stance by the people of Pakistan. US insistence to disregard Indian threat in spite of three wars and two near wars, and India's death grip over Pakistani water is one such stumbling block which has created divergent strategic outlook. Overbearing US approach to solve all issues with force and with American solutions has been another such irritant. All said and done now is the time for wiping the slate clean and really coming in to help Pakistanis against a menace which is so scary that its reverberations have started to be heard all across South and Central Asia. And for once get it right this time, because there is no coming back to a nuclear capable state plagued by radicals if the last ditch effort is also botched by myopic and tactical thinking by any side. Before going out to suggest as to what is US to do, it would be interesting to briefly re-capture as to what has Pakistan done and not done so far. While continuing to securitize the Eastern front very credibly threatened by massing of Indian troops on that side, Pakistani security agencies have very successfully waged a war of attrition and containment in the FATA and Swat regions. This has not been a cheap or small victory. The country has continued to pay the price in thousands of casualties in and out of uniform, increase in radicalization, and alienation of society. Less than secure environment and colossal expenditure on this war effort spread over last nine years has resulted into severely maiming the economy. All the security establishments have mostly been purged of the radical elements, and the process is still on, though imperceptibly guised in other administrative actions. Increasingly vocal and assertive judiciary has been carefully nurtured and supported by the powers that be, and resultantly a very credible check has been imposed upon corruption and mismanagement in the country. And finally the advent of a very vocal and free media in Pakistan has helped give eyes and ears as well as voice to the masses in this country. With minor digressions, the media has really come up as a whistle blower as well as mouth piece of voiceless and the downtrodden. In order to fall into the pit as it has, Pakistan has consistently failed to deliver on eradicating corruption, and improving governance. Economy has been on the downward plunge mostly due to a long drawn fight against terrorism and bigotry, as well as because of failure of international community to help bolster and recoup its economy in real terms. Despite spearheading the fight against an international menace, the anticipated economic support and trade has not found its way towards Pakistan. What its establishment and society can be rightly blamed for not having done is reigning in Mullahs and their self-proclaimed right to rule over the majority in the name of religion? Probably they lacked the will or they actually lacked the strength to take on the tide of radicalism. No civilian or military government has been able to handle this issue effectively primarily due to two very solid arguments within the arsenals of radical pundits. Firstly it is the threat posed by the presence of large number of Western troops in neighbouring Afghanistan not only to our nuclear assets, but also to our way of life itself. And secondly due to incessant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty and merciless killing of its citizens through US drones, a sense of hatred towards anything American has permeated the society. Finally it brings us to the main object of this article and that is, what can US do to wipe out the past mistakes and really help an ally out of this morass without antagonizing it. Some of the suggestions in this regard are: (1) Get Kashmir issue resolved: Uneven partition of the subcontinent is the root cause of all the insecurity in this very volatile part of the world. It is easy to disregard all the UN resolutions and close one's eyes to reality in view of Indian importance in Western perceptions, but is it prudent to let this main issue fester and reach a point of no return between the two nuclear rivals? If the US was to help it resolve this issue as it is did in case of North and South Korea, partition of Sudan and erstwhile Yugoslavia, it would stand to win over hearts and minds of people and army of Pakistan as well as that of Indian public. This role would also help in discrediting Mullahs and help the establishment convince its people as to the substance of US support. Water issue which is most likely to be the cause of next war between the two South Asian rivals would also be automatically solved through this initiative. With resultant cooling off and reduction of threat, Pakistan would be for the first time free to reduce expenditure on its defence and instead look after its development needs in earnest. (2) Investment rather than Cash Support: Corruption has permeated so deeply and effectively in Pakistani establishment and society that no immediate and direct steps are likely to bring about a change, short of a revolution. However indirect means for example building projects like dams, factories and institutions and investment in economy through MNCs and joint ventures can considerably reduce the venues for corruption. As a spin off, it would also help increase American helpful visibility in the country instead of US tanks and guns. This step alone has chances of leaving behind a sustainable and long-term effect. (3) Educate and Train: Education and technical training of Pakistan's vast human resource is another area where the vacuum can be easily filled in by Americans. It would not only help the country stand on its feet and become much awaited bulwark against bigotry and hate, it would also go a long way towards leaving a lasting US imprint on future generations of Pakistan. (4) Market access to Pakistan: Without threatening to tilt the balance of trade against the US and without visibly denting the domestic jobs related issues in US, the step is likely to bring long-term stability in Pakistan through economic growth. It would also help in winning over hearts and minds of Pakistani people while denuding the Mullahs of yet another hostile propaganda issue. (5) Afghanistan: Let afghan issue be resolved by locals through age-old jirga system, seemingly difficult for Western mindset to assimilate but it must be understood that the country is not yet ready for western democracy. This being the only workable plan, it is likely to be approved by all stake holders primarily due to less patronizing US approach and requirement of less intrusive footprint. It would additionally free the US troops in a dignified way from an unfruitful commitment away from home while at the same time removing the main rallying cry of all Jihadist elements present in that country. (6) Fast degenerating situation in Pakistan calls for quick and decisive steps not only by its own government but also by its allies. The establishment finds itself in a double bind in face of US demands for "do more", and the Radicals' cry for Jihad against sanity. In view of the increasing insecurity and lack of government response the society is fast denuding itself of few saner elements that are left, and the country is increasingly being adopted by whoever has more guns and whoever can shout louder. The intelligentsia fears for its life, property and being branded a "Murtadd" and therefore considers silence as better part of valour. Lack of knowledge and worst illiteracy in the region has stymied all rational responses of a vibrant and self-healing society. In this hour of need Pakistan needs to act rather than wait and also needs wholehearted and resolute support of its allies like never before. It is so because Pakistani society was never threatened like this together from outside and inside before.

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