
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 10/8/2010 12:00:00 AM  

ن لیگ کا بے مقصد موقف ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:2026 Replies:0 
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Posted By: Tariq_Hussain On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:2194 Replies:0 
.FAREWELL TO AMBASSDOR OF PAKISTAN UAE Click here to read Full Article
ذراسوچیے !
Posted By: afzal_zeshan On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:3911 Replies:0 
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کیا آپ تیار ہیں؟ ریحان احمد یوسفی
Posted By: Isfandyar_Azmat On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:2877 Replies:0 
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Mumbai-style attacks in Europe being overplayed by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:1955 Replies:0 
Of late newspapers of the world are splashing stories about the possibility of Mumbai-style group attacks in major cites of Europe. A week has passed, but this threat is still in the news. This undue hype is giving rise to several queries. It is being asked, why don’t the world intelligence agencies get alerted when every now and then such alarm bells are sounded in Pakistan, many of which proved Click here to read Full Article
کچھ تو ہے جس کی پردہ داری ہے ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:2037 Replies:0 
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Go Musharraf Go, but this time to Pakistan by Amjad Malik
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:2421 Replies:0 
I must say that flimsy ‘oratory’ of General Musharraf on the first day of the launch of his new party (APML) at Birmingham has forced me to write on his unacceptable verbal attack on ‘N’ league leader and workers. I must confess that party workers, supporters and activists are the lifeline of any political party and the political process and ridiculing them like this is uncalled for when he himsel Click here to read Full Article
Karachi Blasts: Targeting Pakistan by Zaheerul Hassan
Posted By: Zaheer On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:2481 Replies:1 
On October 7, 2010 at least 9 individuals have been killed and more than 85 injured in two successive blasts near a prominent shrine in Karachi .The blasts occurred within minutes of interval at the gate of the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi in Clifton, where a large number of people gather everyday. Earlier just few days back a Sunni leader has been killed by unknown firers. More than 32 people ki Click here to read Full Article
ذکر کچھ مشرف کا ۔ عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 8/Oct/2010 Views:1996 Replies:0 
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