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حفظ ما تقدم ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1018 Replies:0 
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امن کا مہینہ،رمضان المبارک ۔ محمد آصف اقبال
Posted By: MAsif On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1055 Replies:0 
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آہوں کی بارات۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1063 Replies:0 
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انسانی حقوق کا تحفظ اورپنجاب پولیس۔غلام مرتضٰی
Posted By: Bajwa77 On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1721 Replies:0 
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ایک اوردریا کا سامنا تھا مجھکو منیر۔فیصل فاروق
Posted By: Faisal.F On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1523 Replies:0 
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میاں نواز شریف کا دورہ چین ۔ ذاکر نسیم
Posted By: ZNaseem On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1627 Replies:0 
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آئی ایم ایف،ہماری کمزوری یا مجبوری۔محمد سمعید اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1018 Replies:0 
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Rochdale Law Association’s first Asian President
Posted By: Amjad_Malik On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1367 Replies:0 
Barrister Amjad Malik, hailing from Faisalabad city of Pakistan, is the first Asian from the last 100 years to grab the position of president of Rochdale Law Association (RLA) who came to Britain in 1994 to study law. He is the lifetime member of Supreme Court of Pakistan, part of Pro bono Panel of UK Foreign and Common Wealth Click here to read Full Article
Abbotabad Commission Report by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1267 Replies:0 
The US raid on the house where Osama bin Laden (OBL) was hiding was a clandestine operation. In any clandestine operation, the public is given information which is never the whole truth but the effort is that it should be credible. In a clandestine operation mounted overseas – which all major intelligence mount from time to time – the most difficult issue is to meet the need of deniability of ‘inc Click here to read Full Article
Public Slogan or Public Dependency by A - Haq London
Posted By: Haq On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1821 Replies:0 
It has come to my knowledge that those who had never gone to the mosques went to say prayers of thanks on the departure of Peoples’ Party’s regime. In their regime more than beating anyone they dragged the public in the worst manner. So much so that the public lifted up their hands and the Peoples’ Party said good bye to the government as well as the public and vanished from the scene.The point to Click here to read Full Article
US Imperialism & Unfolding the growing Pakistan-China Ties by DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL
Posted By: abdulruff On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1071 Replies:0 
India’s hatred campaign and nuclear threat brought Pakistan closer first to USA and then to China and Pakistan has very cautiously developed the ties for years now.. However, India could somehow help bring about a wedge in US-Pakistan ties in the aftermath of Sept-11 hoax after USA invaded and occupied both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Click here to read Full Article
IPP lobbyists making hey while sun shines on Capital Hills by Saeed Minhas
Posted By: AliSyed On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1266 Replies:0 
Islamabad: The government of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz has finally played the much-awaited reverse sweep to open its account of point scoring with the leading institutions of the country by announcing to bring high treason charges against a caged former dictator Musharraf. Click here to read Full Article
Punjab food department a den for bribery by Zeeshan Javaid
Posted By: AliSyed On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:2659 Replies:0 
ISLAMABAD: The Punjab food department has been occupied by the provincial bureaucracy and blue-eyed officers of the Mian brothers, who made the entire department a house of corruption and financial embezzlements, where millions of rupees of the national exchequer were disbursed amongst the staff, everyone from the peon to the Provincial Secretary Food getting a share of the spoils.The Sharif broth Click here to read Full Article
It’s a Punjabi bureaucracy by Amir Mateen
Posted By: AliSyed On: 10/Jul/2013 Views:1558 Replies:0 
If you want to judge the Punjabi dominance in Pakistan, the armed forces may not be the best indicator as is generally assumed. It’s the top civil bureaucracy through which Punjab dominates this country. Click here to read Full Article

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