
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 11/9/2012 12:00:00 AM  

Obama's speech by Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 9/Nov/2012 Views:2004 Replies:0 
When Asif Ali Zardari visited Quaid's tomb after he was elected as the President of Pakistan, he wrote some interesting comments on the visitor's book. The comments were so inspiring that the agencies had to rush in at odd hours to change the page and the comments. According to Ardesher Kausjee, the president spelled the word God as 'Goad'. The president's oratory capability shined when Sarah Click here to read Full Article
Political Impact of SC Verdict in Asghar Khan Case
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 9/Nov/2012 Views:3965 Replies:0 
Samiullah Malik interviewing Brigadier ® Usman Khalid on the impact of SC judgment in Asghar Khan Case. The SC verdict is being debated widely but subjectively in the Pakistani media. Here is a view of the mainstream without party political bias. The conclusion is that the media emphasis will play an important role. If the emphasis remains on slaughtering the ‘sacred cow’, i.e. the military, there Click here to read Full Article
For Obama, a second chance in South Asia by Shuja Nawaz
Posted By: chaudry On: 9/Nov/2012 Views:1800 Replies:0 
With a second term assured, President Barack Obama has a shot at making a huge difference in greater South Asia, an opportunity that he failed to take in his first term. This may now be the time for a new hyphenation across the map of that critical part of the globe: bringing together a string of countries ranging from Iran, through Afghanistan, Pakistan and India to Bangladesh. For this may be Click here to read Full Article
Press Campaign to Ridicule and Defame the Army by Usman Khalid
Posted By: Usman_Khalid On: 9/Nov/2012 Views:1920 Replies:0 
Since the 19 October SC Judgement in the Asghar Khan Case in which the former CAOS General Aslam Beg and former DG ISI General Asad Durrani were indicted for having arranged campaign funds for certain political parties through Mehran Bank, TV talk show hosts have been trying to outsmart each other in ridiculing and heaping scorn on the armed forces. The spokesmen of the ruling party – the PPP – ha Click here to read Full Article
Drinking with tissue and not without. by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 9/Nov/2012 Views:1572 Replies:0 
I am pretty confident that I am not the only individual who knows about such Muslims, rather in fact, you too must have met at least some if not more people some time and some where belonging to this category and definitely their answer and reaction should have been exactly the same which I have been getting but the situation warrants to be studied very carefully and methods be devised to handle i Click here to read Full Article
Bloody Pakistan on Friday-the holiest weekly day by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 9/Nov/2012 Views:1483 Replies:0 
Which city in my beloved Pakistan is the safest or even safe and when is my only question for the day? Today Friday (9th November 2012) which is certified as the most holiest day in each week for all the Muslims all over the world be them in east, west, south or north but very much regretfully it is no more construed alike in my beloved home country which is officially nothing short of being calle Click here to read Full Article

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