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دوہری شہریت اور دوغلاپن ۔ محمد رضا
Posted By: M.Raza On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1596 Replies:0 
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آئی ایس ّئی نرغے میں ؟ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1417 Replies:0 
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لوڈ شیدڈنگ آٹھ سالہ بچےکی موت کابہانہ بن گئی ۔ امت
Posted By: Ummat On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1535 Replies:0 
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بیٹیوں کی اچھی تربیت لازم ۔ امتیاز علی شاکر
Posted By: ImtiazAli On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1458 Replies:0 
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بھارت کی امریکی چاپلوسیاں ۔ محمداعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1342 Replies:0 
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Emerging US Policy for New Egypt by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1644 Replies:0 
In spite of uprising in Mideast, first hitting harshly Egypt, throwing out the Mubarak regime, US-Egypt relations have not been affected that badly.These ties have survived the popular wrath of pro-American and pro-Israeli Mubarak regime although suffered serious setback. They have survived manly because of the US insistence to play a key role in Mideast to promote Zionist criminal regime. Click here to read Full Article
India’s Kashmir interest in Afghanistan by DR. ABDUL RUFF
Posted By: abdulruff On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1395 Replies:0 
One can ask as to why India takes too much of interest in destabilized Afghanistan. If India is really a peaceful nation seeking peace in the region, it would have surrendered sovereignty back to Kashmiris long aback and helped herald peaceful South Asia.But India refused to do so and prolonged occupation and massacres of Muslims. . Click here to read Full Article
Burmese Muslims under threat of extinction by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:2344 Replies:0 
While most of the media’s attention is focused on Syria, the state of the euro or the US presidential elections, very little is being said about state sponsored ethnic cleansing in Myanmar or Burma. Perhaps it is because the unfortunate victims happen to be Muslims and there are no strategic gains to be garnered by allying with them. Click here to read Full Article
Opening of supply lines will intensify terrorism in Pakistan by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1647 Replies:0 
Once the might of US military-NATO got bogged down in the swamp of Afghanistan, rather than making corrections at its end, Pentagon and CIA made Pakistan a scapegoat and blamed it for all their faults. Finding no explanation to offer for their dismal performance despite enjoying all the strategic and technical advantages, the US after playing up extremist threat to the integrity of Pakistan and Click here to read Full Article
No Confrontation by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:1459 Replies:0 
Right from the PM down to the ordinary jiala they let go of no opportunity to assure the public that they do not want any confrontation with the institutions. If so is the case what stops them from implementing the orders of the apex court in letter and spirit and prove what they so claim? Click here to read Full Article
کیا ہم روز حشر پر ایمان رکھتے ہیں؟اوریا مقبول جان
Posted By: Orya On: 18/Jul/2012 Views:2777 Replies:0 
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