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مولانا سید جلال پوری کا آرٹیکل، زیدحامد کے متعلق
Posted By: Noman On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:2796 Replies:1 
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Into the terrifying world of Pakistan's 'disappeared by Robert Fisk
Posted By: chaudry On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:2029 Replies:0 
If you want to know how brutally Pakistan treats its people, you should meet Amina Janjua. An intelligent painter and interior designer, she sits on the vast sofa of her living room in Rawalpindi – a room that somehow accentuates her loneliness – scarf wound tightly round her head, serving tea and biscuits like the middle-class woman she is. And although neither a soldier nor a policeman has ever Click here to read Full Article
عزت و توقیر کی داستان ۔ سمیع اللہ ملک
Posted By: Sami_Malik On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:1687 Replies:0 
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Posted By: chaudry On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:2172 Replies:0 
The scandals from the Bush era seem endless, endless and never dealt with. One of the biggest is the hunt for Osama, a hunt that cost hundreds of lives and, literally, billions of dollars, a hunt that unofficially ended with Osama bin Laden’s death on December 15, 2001. We knew it, Pakistan knew it and Benezir Bhutto even announced it long ago. For years, America has been chastising her allies Click here to read Full Article
یہ وہی لوگ ہیں حکومتوں والے ۔ محمد وجیھہ السماء
Posted By: waji On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:1693 Replies:0 
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Threat to dam keeps Pakistanis on edge
Posted By: chaudry On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:1989 Replies:0 
Since our last visit to the Hunza valley, in northern Pakistan, the artificial lake caused by what many consider the largest landslide in recent times has grown to 13 km from 12 km and is now 221 feet deep, a rise of over twenty feet. Click here to read Full Article
سعودی شہنشاہوں کی فکروسوچ میں تبدیلی ۔رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:1747 Replies:0 
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We are ready to sell cheap electricity but Pakistan not responding. Iran
Posted By: Noman On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:1840 Replies:0 
They should offer zardari some commission Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan arrests halt UN contacts with Taliban
Posted By: nrqazi On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:2247 Replies:0 
Pakistan's recent arrests of top Taliban leaders have halted the United Nation's secret talks with the insurgency, the U.N.'s former envoy to Afghanistan said Click here to read Full Article
Lord Ahmeds speech at the Geneva meeting today - ShakirQureshi-London
Posted By: ShakirQureshi On: 19/Mar/2010 Views:3097 Replies:0 
Lord Ahmed will also ask that the UN should set up a special Criminal Tribunal under International Law to investigate abuses of human rights in Indian Occupied Kashmir and un marker graves 2, Must not allow India to join Security Council until it complies with its UN Security Council Resolutions of 1948 and 1949 . President of the United States and the Secretary General UN should appoint a special Click here to read Full Article

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