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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: chaudry
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March 17, 2010 by Gordon Duff ·




The scandals from the Bush era seem endless, endless and never dealt with.  One of the biggest is the hunt for Osama, a hunt that cost hundreds of lives and, literally, billions of dollars, a hunt that unofficially ended with Osama bin Laden’s death on December 15, 2001.  We knew it, Pakistan knew it and Benezir Bhutto even announced it long ago.  For years, America has been chastising her allies and even her own military for their failures, especially the failure to catch Osama bin Laden.  Now we are warned it will be impossible.  No kidding.

Last month I was briefed by the highest sources of the Pakistani military.  One of our more private discussions was on bin Laden.  I know, we know and they know he is dead.  Nobody has seen nor heard from bin Laden since he announced HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11.  However, a series of sadly phony videos and audio tapes have been released, all tracked down to sources tied directly to Israeli intelligence services, have been presented by the media without any verification, a media, frankly, also tied directly as with FOX, ABC, NBC and CBS or as with CNN, through Wolf Blitzer, also to Israeli intelligence services.

Now, Attorney General Eric Holder has announced, in his own sly way that “bin Laden won’t face trial.”  Holder knows something.  He knows what they know in Israel, Afghanistan, Pakistan, France, Britain, Germany, Canada, Iran, India and so many other countries, something America has been afraid to admit.


How do you lie for years, a fraudulent lie, not only lying about bin Laden’s death but lying about his involvement in terrorist acts.  In fact, we have no idea who was responsible for 9/11, not really.  We saw planes, we also tracked down some suspicious payments and have clear evidence of a highly complex conspiracy, one that goes much further than 19 hijackers whose remains have never been found. 

So many lies, Barb Olson’s phone call to her husband about “box cutters” never happened, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and General Myer lied under oath as did many who testified before the commission and now we find much of the evidence was falsified or many issues, like Building 7, the one that was “pulled down” with no engineer or preparation, were never allowed to be investigated.  In fact, the Commission was a fraud.  Here is how they put it:


Funny thing, whenever a “news cycle” with one of these stories came around, so did a new bin Laden tape or terror alert.  If not that, it was a new operation announced in Iraq or something else.  As time went on, the Commission moved on with life, realizing that we were sunk so deeply into a quagmire of lies that they felt nothing could be done.   For every question, a new lie, a new terror alert, a new invasion, a new enemy, a new “evil doer” came into view, torture, rendition, Soviet style “show trials” or military tribunals pushed a real search for the truth out and away.


When President Bush did a stand-up routine joking about looking for missing WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) he thought his “cover story” for Afghanistan would stay intact.  Anything can seem funny, not matter how inappropriate when you are a class clown who has never had to meet an obligation of any kind, personal, professional, military or otherwise.  A joke or two and, if challenged, the tantrum of the typical narcissist put on as a show.  For 8 long years Bush thru hundreds of tantrums, dozens of them public.  A review of the very few news conferences from the Bush era show continual deception and a total lack of understanding, not only of geopolitics or military operations but of the moral questions involved in going to war under false pretenses.

People can be killed, Amerians, Iraqis, soldiers, children and in numbers uncountable.  Death and suffering became so common place that Americans said nothing when the sacrifice and suffering of their own troops became subjects of humor and derision by a President, Cabinet and Congressional leadership conveniently short of real military experience though nearly all were “of age” during the Vietnam War.


Holder’s carefully crafted warning that bin Laden would never be taken alive is to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, the announcement so many should fear, fear if they know what it is really saying.  He is not saying that he has done a psychological profile on bin Laden, he isn’t even saying bin Laden was probably killed recently.  America is being softened up by President Obama’s “backdoor man.”

Holder is telling us, those of us who were briefed long ago, that bin Laden has been dead for many years but brought out from the grave at election time, “bilking Congress for money” time and “scaring the folks during their morning coffee time,” all done for profit, for show and at a cost in money and lives uncounted.

Everything said about Osama bin Laden has been deception.  Think of every time bin Laden’s name has been used by a public official who had been briefed in December 2001 that Osama bin Laden was dead.

Every word they uttered on bin Laden, perhaps every word uttered on anything else has been a lie.  Line them up, they number in the hundreds, so many names, so many liars.  None of them died in a gully in Afghanistan while on a George W. Bush “Where’s Waldo” hunt.

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