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Gujrat News and Picture 15-02-2011
Posted By: 786Mediacell On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:2257 Replies:0 
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Anti-Islamic Goals behind the Sept-11 by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:1635 Replies:0 
Participation in US-led NATO terror war of some so-called Muslim nations with anti-Islamic bend of mind against Islam and Muslim nations has stood the American terror strategists in good stead. The anti-Islamic terror media have certified that Muslims have “done the Sept-11” and more than enough is being done by puppet regimes in Islamic world to help advance American interests. Genuine Muslims Click here to read Full Article
مجھے جیل میں ہی رہنے دو ۔ یاسر عمران مرزا
Posted By: mirza_yasir4 On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:2712 Replies:0 
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بہار سے کیوں ڈرتے ہو ؟ ڈاکٹر عصمت حیات علوی
Posted By: dr._asmat_hayat_alvi On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:1734 Replies:0 
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بلا عنوان ۔ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:1764 Replies:0 
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پیغمبر امن کی تعلیمات ۔ علامہ پیر محمد تبسم
Posted By: M.yaqoob On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:2138 Replies:0 
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میلاد مصطفٰی ۔ علامہ پیر محمد تبسم
Posted By: M.yaqoob On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:2102 Replies:0 
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Can Obama make the Mideast Wonder happen? by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:1561 Replies:0 
It is but natural that repercussions of Egyptian revolution for justice would be resonated in Palestine as well. At a rally marking the birthday of the Prophet Mohammad (SAS), Libyan strongman Mu’amar Al-Qaddafi used an address on state television to urge Palestinians to follow the example of Egypt and use mass demonstrations against Israel. Al-Qaddafi issued a call to “create a problem for the Click here to read Full Article
Was Sept-11 a US-Russia Joint Operation? by Dr. Abdul Ruff
Posted By: abdulruff On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:1486 Replies:0 
Of many possible causes for the Sept-11 operations in USA, a few are extremely pertinent to underline the hidden agendas of US led notorious UNSC-5. Removal of Taliban regime from Afghanistan and make a pro-US regime change in Kabul with a puppet regime; to terror attack Iraq starting by invasion and assassination of President Saddam and killing of his supporters; These objectives have been Click here to read Full Article
بے معنی سوال ۔ عبداللہ طارق سہیل
Posted By: AbdullahTS On: 15/Feb/2011 Views:1642 Replies:0 
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