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General-hood as New American Ambassador In Pakistan
Posted By: Noman On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:3248 Replies:0 
General-hood as New American Ambassador In Pakistan Click here to read Full Article
Our PM by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1665 Replies:3 
Heartiest congratulations to the Lovers of democracy on their strengthening the Democratic Institutions by electing and selecting CERTAINLY the most capable person amongst them as the Prime Minister of this hapless nation. Click here to read Full Article
Governor and the governed by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1587 Replies:0 
I am very much pleased to read today Sunday 24th June, 2012 that on the instructions of newly elected Prime Minister Raja Ashraf Perviaz doors of PM House were opened for 2 hours on Saturday afternoon facilitating the common public to meet our VVIP. However, had it been announced in advance through newspapers and tv channels then many of those who were not informed could have also come but in this Click here to read Full Article
گیلانی کی سمجھداری اور اعتزاز کا بدلہ ۔ مدثر فیضی
Posted By: Mudassar_Faizi On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1815 Replies:0 
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پاکستانی وزرائے اعظم کی چالیس سالہ تاریخ۔عبدالجبار
Posted By: ajnasir On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1681 Replies:0 
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قبرکا ٹرائل تو ہو گا ۔ رانا بلال
Posted By: RanaBilal On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1472 Replies:0 
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پاکستان کے وزرائے اعظم کی داستان اقتدار ۔ رانابلال
Posted By: RanaBilal On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1425 Replies:0 
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قانون کی بالا دستی ۔ ایم اشرف ثاقب
Posted By: AshrafS On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1691 Replies:0 
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امریکن خاتون کا قبول اسلام ۔ محمد جہان یعقوب
Posted By: M.Jehan On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1919 Replies:0 
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منحوس گھن چکر ۔ محمدجہاں یعقوب
Posted By: M.Jehan On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1651 Replies:0 
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کیا ہم جمہوری لوگ ہیں ؟ عقیل خان
Posted By: AqeelKhan On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1440 Replies:1 
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Jup News 23-06-2012
Posted By: JUPAkbar On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1288 Replies:0 
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بڑے بےآبرو ہو کےتیرےکوچے سے ہم نکلے۔قاسم علی
Posted By: QasimAli On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1398 Replies:0 
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نئےوزیر اعظم اور موجودہ چیلنجیز ۔ عثمان حسن زئی
Posted By: UsmanK On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1378 Replies:0 
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کیا عوامی مسائل بھی حل ہوں گے ؟ محمد اعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1334 Replies:0 
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راجہ رینٹل ملک کا وزیر اعظم بن گیا ۔ محمداعظم
Posted By: M.Azam On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1299 Replies:0 
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اسلام کے چوبیس شہید اعظم ۔ ایازمحمود
Posted By: Ayaz_Mehmood On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1358 Replies:0 
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پاکستان کا نصیب کب جاگے گا ؟ محمد زاہر
Posted By: M.zahir On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1821 Replies:0 
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بحرانوں کی سر زمین ۔ رؤف عامر
Posted By: Malik_Rauf On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1479 Replies:0 
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کہاں سے لاؤں ؟ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: DrSafdar On: 24/Jun/2012 Views:1252 Replies:0 
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