
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 3/2/2010 12:00:00 AM  

تو تو ہے، میں میں ہوں
Posted By: Isfandyar_Azmat On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:2241 Replies:0 
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America, the fragile empire - Here today, gone tomorrow -- could the United States fall that fast? By Niall Ferguson
Posted By: Noman On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:2440 Replies:0 
For centuries, historians, political theorists, anthropologists and the public have tended to think about the political process in seasonal, cyclical terms. From Polybius to Paul Kennedy, from ancient Rome to imperial Britain, we discern a rhythm to history. Great powers, like great men, are born, rise, reign and then gradually wane. No matter whether civilizations decline culturally, economically Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan holds onto its Taliban by Gareth Porter
Posted By: chaudry On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:2143 Replies:0 
The refusal of Pakistani intelligence to turn over Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and as many as six other top Taliban figures to the United States or the Afghan government has dealt a serious blow to the Barack Obama administration' s hopes for Pakistani cooperation in weakening the Taliban. Click here to read Full Article
No Nuclear Deal for Pakistan. Obama Administration
Posted By: Noman On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:1983 Replies:0 
This is what they do with their FRONT LINE STATE and FRIEND Click here to read Full Article
WHY PEOPLE DIFFER WITH EACH OTHER? by Muhammad Latif Chaudhery
Posted By: latifchaudhery On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:3962 Replies:0 
Why people differ with each other was the question, a King asked his Minister.Let me demonstrate to you sir, replied the Minister. He brought in 4 sensible men and told them. There is something in front of you in the pitch dark. You have to use your senses and tell me what it is like. Go ahead --------- Click here to read Full Article
دربار میں حاضری۔دیدار جیسی ۔ جاوید اقبال کلیم
Posted By: Javed_Iqbal_Kaleem On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:2372 Replies:0 
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Indian's Ex-Army Chief Reveals Hegemonic Designs . Special Report
Posted By: chaudry On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:2403 Replies:0 
General VP Malik confirms that Indian army's aggressive policies created Kargil conflict.Malik got Israel's help to save troops during Kargil fiasco.Calls for India's readiness to fight war with China.Former Indian Army Chief shows his poor knowledge about Pakistan Army, ISI Click here to read Full Article
رکشہ میٹرنٹی ۔ امت
Posted By: Ummat On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:1999 Replies:0 
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یونائیٹڈسٹیٹس آف روحانیت ۔ جاوید چوہدری
Posted By: Javed_Ch On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:2095 Replies:0 
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این اے پچپن کیا کہ رہا ہے ؟ عرفان صدیقی
Posted By: Irfan_Siddiqui On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:1792 Replies:2 
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یہ جارحانہ انداز؟ ڈاکٹر صفدر محمود
Posted By: Jang On: 2/Mar/2010 Views:1877 Replies:0 
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