
  You are viewing list of articles posted on 5/13/2013 12:00:00 AM  

Under Nawaz Sharif dark clouds would disperse by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/May/2013 Views:1001 Replies:0 
The heavy mandate Nawaz Sharif’s rule came to an abrupt end after two years eight months as a result of military coup by Gen Musharraf on October 12, 1999. He was later on exiled for ten years. After 9/11, Musharraf was coerced and induced by the US and led to believe that partnership with USA would uplift Pakistan’s depressed fortunes and pave the way for prosperity. He was assured that unlike th Click here to read Full Article
America and Pakistan in Search of New Future by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 13/May/2013 Views:972 Replies:0 
America and Pakistan both stand at a critical juncture in time and history and are searching for new policies for change and new relations. America had the opportunity when President Obama – the first colored president to enter the WHITE- White House erected by his black folks predecessors over the centuries and promised to enliven his moral conscience for a new beginning in American history-makin Click here to read Full Article
Comments by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 13/May/2013 Views:1021 Replies:0 
I was impressed by Imran personality when he was here in 1991 and 92. I played my part in collecting funds for his cancer hospital. I am honored to be the only person with him to attend lunch hosted by son of present Amir of Kuwait and meeting President, Asia Olympics. Had he not been injured he had addressed many more gatherings and electrified additional thousand people to vote for PTI Click here to read Full Article
MNS The Statesaman by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/May/2013 Views:955 Replies:0 
Though I didn’t vote for the PML (N) yet the statesman like conduct of Mian Nawaz Shareef of the last two days has forced me not only to congratulate him on his victory but also welcome him to lead the nation. His very first proclamation of carrying along every political party with him that would strengthen Pakistan was a happy augury and he proved that by declaring that the PTI being the majority Click here to read Full Article
Comments by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 13/May/2013 Views:1139 Replies:0 
Imran is victorious to be honest for many cogent reasons. Nawaz has unlimited cash which Imran lacks terribly. Nawaz had been in power corridor for decades as minister, chief minister and prime minister which is alien to Imran. Nawaz brother Shahbaz Click here to read Full Article
Natija Phir Wohi Hoga: by Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd
Posted By: Riaz On: 13/May/2013 Views:999 Replies:0 
Today is the election day. The leaders have as usual promised moons and stars to the masses without meaning an iota of it. Once elected, they would again turn to the same looting and plundering with complete impunity and without any fear of accountability what so ever. Click here to read Full Article
PM IMRAN KHAN by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Posted By: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi On: 13/May/2013 Views:1294 Replies:0 
Palpitates my heart for sure if not sinks while composing on you.Minister one become before elevating PM not applicable to you Click here to read Full Article
Karzai again upping the ante by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 13/May/2013 Views:1336 Replies:0 
The US sole worry is to ensure safe and smooth withdrawal of US-NATO troops. At the same time it wishes to ensure peaceful transition of power in Afghanistan and to leave behind stable Afghanistan under a US friendly regime. Another aspect which is yet to be decided is the size of residuary force that will be left behind after 2014. Kabul government has yet not given blanket diplomatic immunity to Click here to read Full Article
سیاہ بادل ۔ ڈاکٹر عبدالقدیر خان
Posted By: AQKhan On: 13/May/2013 Views:2064 Replies:0 
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میاں صاحب کومینڈیٹ چھیننےکا مشورہ ۔ انصار عباسی
Posted By: Ansar.Abbasi On: 13/May/2013 Views:1522 Replies:0 
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