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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: International_Professor
Full Name: International Professor
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Hussain Haqqani is behind defamation campaign of Mr. Hamid Mir

By: Earthman, International Professor

According to reports Mr. Hamid Mir has pointed finger toward Hussain Haqqani, a known dirty apologist of Uncle Sam that he is responsible for supplying fake video to website. Let us build Pakistan is being operated from slave routes of President House, and bed room allotted to Farahnaz Isfahani is adjacent to Zardari’s chamber.

We are reporting since long that above website is involved in spreading venomous hatred on sectarian grounds and usually known as pro-Iranian website. Its name plate says that it is project of Peoples party but in fact it is CIA’s project that has invested dollars with the help of Vali Nasr, advisor to Hole Brook and inventor of Shia Crescent. Their Iranian links are no more secret and patronage of Mahdi Army is no question mark.

We are not defense expert but it looks like that Asian Tigers is a subsidiary of Mahdi Army, financed by Secretary Defense and when those were using names like Umar and Usman are suspicious from first day. According to the Daily Times dated: 20-05-2010 with the heading “Intelligence agencies confirm Hamid Mir’s voice in audio clip” was reported with the confirmation of Capt. Faisal Raza Abidi, the dirty apologist of Zardari mafia and one of the commanders of Mahdi Army. Senator Faisal Raza Abidi said the government had verified the authenticity of the voices on the audio tape from intelligence agencies. He said the audio clipping proved Hamid Mir’s links with the Taliban. So head quarter of Mahdi Army is situated at President House is also confirmed.

With the passage of time more conspirators are coming forward. In fact the peoples who scripted above audio-video are experts of sectarian technologies. Everybody knows Hussain Haqqani how he changed his religion from Jamat e Islami and joined Iranian mafia like Farahnaz Isfahani and Abdullah Hussain Haroon gang, and those are strong preachers of their Rafzi faith openly in public, recently Farzana Raja has also joined above group and converted to Rafzi faith. The clever touch of anti-Mirzayat to audi-video has pushed Luqman Mirza, an anchor of Express group owned by Agha Khani’s and its sole in charge Athar Abbas is well known member of Mahdi Army.

Luqman Mirza is a known Mirzayee apologist and in his program Point Blank dated: 20-05-10 he staged a drama with the help of Rashed Rahman, to whom Syed Adeeb says that “ as young man, (pro-PPP propagandist) Rashed (Rahman) also participated in the [Anti-Pakistan] Balochistan (liberation) movement against the country's military along with his younger brother Asad Rahman" (1)
His son Taimur Rahman who is running Leninist Marxist group (CMPK) with the patronage of CIA sitting at USA says that “I am immensely proud of my father. He (Rashid Rahman) has been a committed Marxist his entire life, he did not waver in his ideological commitments despite the breakup of the Soviet Union,
for the last several months, he has been making an effort to convert Daily Times into a progressive liberal paper to defeat anti-democratic and right-wing reactionaries. He taught me Marxism and I support him and stand by him against these right-wing reactionaries”. [Email From: Taimur Rehman <taimur@lums.> Subject: [cmkp] The Suit against My Father (Rashid Rahman, editor of Daily Times) Thu May 20, 2010 3:07 am (PDT)]

There are many other instances that Zardari mafia apologists are trying to shape controversial video-audio as matter of Ideology, a fight between left wing and Right wing. For example Farhat Taj Andersen a converted ex Muslim from Oslo is circulating emails and she is writing for Daily Times and an advocate of Pushtoon Genocide.

Another example is Dawn Group’s editor who wrote: “Puppet Strings” by Paracha, who poses as apologists of Zardari mafia and claim to be left wing atheist. This is same Paracha of PSF that is known for his involvement in drugs smuggling, and peoples says that at many occasions he was dragged out from filthy sewerage out flows due to excessiveness of toxicity. All such dirty gang is breaded by CIA; everyone must think patiently that all those Marxists, Leninists and atheists that claim to be left wingers in Pakistan are usually PPP’s propagandists and on pay role of CIA. A surprising combination, whereas on one side those have been burning Anglo-American flags and inventors of famous annotations against U.S. like Samraj, Taghuty powers and their slogans against Capitalism etc have now been faded with the inflow of dollars.

Now their new target is Islam and promotion of Islam Bashing, and by working as CIA’s mole and label every one Right winger, Taleban or Al qaeda. In fact it is a new crusade generation of Uncle Sam to replace ex Jihadi’s. Those were anti religion since long but it is part of their hypocrisy that those have joined religious crusade. So historian would like to write that Jihadi’s were Mujahideen who were strict religious persons and later Crusader Mujahideen were created by CIA to replace previous ones that was (is) gang of atheists or communists, mostly haunted by social evils, gay, lesbian, pedophiles, prostitution gangs and alcoholics or druggy. We don’t know when a new gang of Mujahideen would be created within next 10-15 years to replace current atheists and liberal fascists.

We don’t know exactly who is behind all such mess and what intentions that has but there is no doubt that audio-video controversy would cast long lasting effects on the society. It is second fake video after Swat flogging video and that was also product of PPP’s propagandists and Uncle Sam’s apologists to eliminate religious minded peoples.

Some Journalists have started to join opposition to Mr. Hamid Mir, still by not knowing status of that video, fake or not. Professional jealousy is another factor and role of Talat Husain anchor of Aaj and Ayesha Siddiqa is not different in using hypocritical wordings.

However it is very clear that liberal fascists backed by Zardari mafia are trying to make it Islam bashing instance and it is very unfortunate that fascist minded creed is playing with Pakistan army for their purposes, and it is foolishness of Pakistan army to involve in those matters for that those are not assigned to act. Many people are saying that according to claims of dirty apologists of Uncle Sam that those have broken back bone of Taliban or those have been flushed out from the FATA and Swat areas than why army is reluctant to allow civilian administration to do their work. It is a test case that if still politicians fails to manage in political way, it means those are not capable to run any government. It is another excuse that army is working for dollars and under advise of Uncle Sam.

The mass built up against Mr. Hamid Mir is tactfully designed, whether ISI and MI are involved or IB and FIA, in both cases some peoples are trying to cover up some hidden facts and that could be makeup of Punjabi Taliban or Asian Tigers. Because some peoples want to prove that Asian Tigers is subsidiary of Taliban. Think with patient that either Khalid Khawaja or Col. Imam both were not working against interests of Uncle Sam, and last many months all leading channels including Russian TV (RT) were calling Col. Imam for interview. Who benefitted from tragic death of Mr. Khalid Khawaja, surely dirty apologists of Uncle Sam, nor any other?

It is sure that credibility of army is also on stake, as sons of Col. Imam are high officials of Pak army. If as claimed by Capt. Faisal Raza Abidi that agencies have confirmed about genuinely of audio-video than those must tell peoples how it reached into hands of let us build Pakistan website. And who recorded that conversation. So now it is duty of army to come forward and tell truth to public. Otherwise we have no choice to appeal to Chief Justice as usual being no other source to ask, to nab culprits within government that are trying to blackmail journalists.

A scenario with the bird’s eye view that which journalist has links with whom: as an example a few.

Ahmad Rashid, Amir Mir, Najam Sethi, Naseem Zehra and Ejaz Haider usually within five minutes of any act of terrorism fix responsibilities and nominate culprits. It is other matter that police never acted on their advice but Pakistan army does. Majority of this gang has links with Iranians.

Athar Abbas and Hasan Askari Rizvi claims to be deep links with pro Iranian terrorists. Ahmad Nowani an MNA of PLM N is financing terrorists and proclaimed offenders of courts hiding at Iran.

Rashed Rahman has links with BLA, according to army that is terrorists group working with the help of India, if Rashed Rahman can maintain links with terrorists then why he propagate against other kind of terrorists.

Whether agencies would ever tape their conversations with terrorists? 


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 Reply:   It is a long discussion
Replied by(International_Professor) Replied on (27/May/2010)
Sorry I posted this reply on other article by mistake

Please read following Para’s of my previous article:

Whatever Mr. Hamid Mir says in video is not surprising because if you may explore websites, and try to read blogs represented in the real time about massacre of Jamia Hafsa, written by independent bloggers of Rawalpindi and Islamabad who witnessed the barbaric acts of Pakistan army, army Commandos and Rangers observed the role of Khalid Khawaja at that time and since the killing of Mr. Ghazi and girls of Jamia Hafsa, the sadness of matter did not allow anyone to think about role of Khalid Khawaja, that is what Mr. Hamid Mir said in above video.

Another factor of propaganda against Mr. Hamid Mir is his views about Mirzayees that is pinching for above networks, and Manzoor Ejaz, a known Mirzayee is a regular contributor or sleeping owner of the Daily Times, owned by Salman Taseer Singh, current Governor Punjab.

Points of interest in the conversation (posted by daily Times, 16-05-10)

 Hamid Mir’s disparaging attitude towards Qadianis (in his own words, he considers them worse than kaafirs)

His nonchalance when suicide bombings or the looting of NATO trucks are mentioned

Mir’s repeated references to occasions where Khawaja has personally ‘betrayed’ him (He holds Khawaja personally responsible for his departure from the daily Ausaf)

The high degree of reverence with which Mir refers to Ghazi Rasheed, Javed Paracha and other terrorists, including Abdul Rehman Kennedy.

The daily the Times has mentioned above four points and that shows attitude of famous terrorist Rashid Rahman, the editor and shoe licker of Zardari and Salman Taseer Singh. He claims to be a Communist, Leninist, and Atheist, anti Islam and possibly ex Muslim. He belongs to the leftist’s creed of terrorists and against rightist brand of terrorists. So choice of brand of terrorists is actual problem. Baluchistan Liberation Army claims to be socialists, pro-Russia and pro-India. His patriotism wakes when Pakistan army fascist general kills pro-Islam peoples and label them terrorist, but when same fascist general kills or kidnap BLA activists, so Mr. Rashid Rahman and family actively take part in fighting against same army.

Moreover reverence to anyone in the dictionary of Rashid Rahman is based on anti-Religion, anti-Islam, pro-Gay and Lesbian, pro-Prostitution and pro-Drugs and love with imperialism. It is confusing that a same communist is talking about “disparaging attitude towards Qadiani’s”. What a double standards uncle Rashid Rahman has.

In fact all such leftover communists and socialists that have turned their faces towards Washington for worship are angry with Gen. Zia ul Haq, Afghan Taliban, Mujahedeen of that era and the peoples who supported Americans against USSR in Afghanistan.  Their heart bleeds that USSR was cut to pieces and their regular source of income was stopped. So Mr. Rashis Rahman and others are taking revenge from the same Mujahedeen’s by siding with Imperialists and praising Pakistan army (the puppets of anti-Communism Imperialists).

It is long debate.

 Reply:   I doubt that audio is fake but i am certain that Hamid Mir is victim of con
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (26/May/2010)

Asslam O Alaikum I personally doubt that audio is fake but i am certain that Hamid Mir is a victim of conspiracy, yet another time. This time he is at the opposite side of road. I think he and Talat Hussain are the only two anchorperson at the moment, about whom people has positive feelings and who are still to be bought by corporate countries/politicians. I think personally that at least this audio is real because after the audio came out, i read Hamid Mir stating that these type of calls, people attached to media, receive 100 times in a day and all people attached to media know this. This statement, to me, clearly stating that the audio is real and he is not denying it. But the real question is, did Hamid Mir do any thing wrong, i think not. Because to take/get more insight stories every media man has to establish few links within every group and the same practice is being carried by intelligence agencies and police as well,a round the globe. He is victim of conspiracy beyond any doubt, because few days back there was another campaign against him and in that, he was portrayed as a CIA agent and i got thousands of mails giving proofs. But that didn't work as per the planners so they changed the side of coin and this time they have made him agent of Jihadi's. One can clearly see that after taking Dr Shahid Masood off the stage the biggest threat is Hamid Mir and that is why American agents wants to defame him. one more thing to ponder is the timing of the tape. One has to look closely, the timing of the incident. As we all can see that American agent Zardari has decided to take charge at courts and as every one knows that Hamid Mir was/is the biggest campaigner of the restoration of judiciary so, i think that they decided to send him on back foot first, so like this they will be in a position to bargain with him. But i hope, Hamid Mir will stand tall with the grace of Allah.
 Reply:   BRAVO!!!
Replied by(kamranahmed_05) Replied on (25/May/2010)

Salam to all! Job well done. Ur article rocks! Your article (international professor) has greatly influenced my thinking over this matter. Our corrupt government is now playing unfair by attacking directly (by any means) on people like hamid mir. One has to reason: 1:WHY r gov officials behind such cases? 2:& WHY is President's media advisor giving material proof to Khalid Khawaja's son and advising him to go to media TV programmes to show in front of public? 3:& WHAT are the President's media advisor's intentions beahind all this? BY CONSIDERING THIS, I THINK THIS IS A PLOT FRAMED AGAINST 'HAMID MIR'. THIS GOV OF OURS IS JUST LIKE THE PREVIOUS MUSHARAF'S GOV IN PLOTTING FRAUDY FRAMES.
 Reply:   More Fake tapes to come
Replied by(International_Professor) Replied on (24/May/2010)

More fake tapes to come out soon

Monday, May 24, 2010
Jang Group journalists on the hit-list

By our correspondent

ISLAMABAD: According to highly informed sources, the government has decided to defame and discredit a select group of senior Jang Group journalists in the coming weeks.

According to the highly reliable sources, the ongoing controversy regarding popular TV anchor Hamid Mir’s alleged conversation with an unidentified Taliban leader was ‘just the first in the

series’. Besides other dirty tricks, it was also learnt that landline and cell phones of the marked journalists were being tapped, and it was also planned that original phrases and words of a marked journalist would be taken from his various telephone conversations and then patched together to create a phoney conversation to discredit the journalist. The sources said an attempt shall also be made to paint some of these journalists as being ‘Nawaz Sharif lackeys’ and that their criticism of the PPP-led coalition government was actually sponsored by the Sharif camp.

The purpose of such practice, as the past shows, has always been to give message to other media outlets by targeting the most popular and influential media. The Jang Group had become victim of this offensive strategy many times in the past also.

Surprisingly, however, in a departure from the past practice the smear campaign shall not be carried out by the Interior Ministry, but actually is being overseen by a group of intelligence functionaries considered very close to the bosses of the Law Ministry.

The hit list comprises (so far): Hamid Mir (Host, Capital Talk), Shaheen Sehbai (Group Editor, The News), Ansar Abbassi (Editor Investigations, The News) Mohammad Malick (Resident Editor, The News Islamabad-Rawalpindi), Kamran Khan (Host, Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath) and Dr Shahid Masood (Host, Meray Mutabiq).



 Reply:   Voice Cloning Software
Replied by(International_Professor) Replied on (23/May/2010)

Voice Cloning - Software
Recreates Voices Of Living & Dead

By Lisa Guernsey, New York Times, 8-1-1


AT&T Labs will start selling speech software that it says is so good at reproducing the sounds, inflections and intonations of a human voice that it can re-create voices and even bring the voices of long-dead celebrities back to life.


The software, which turns printed text into synthesized speech, makes it possible for a company to use recordings of a person's voice to utter new things that the person never said.


The software, called Natural Voices, is not flawless -- its utterances still contain a few robotic tones and unnatural inflections -- and competitors question whether the software is a substantial step up from existing products. But some of those who have tested the technology say it is the first text-to-speech software to raise the specter of voice cloning, replicating a person's voice so perfectly that the human ear cannot tell the difference.


``If ABC wanted to use Regis Philbin's voice for all of its automated customer-service calls, it could,'' said Lawrence R. Rabiner, vice president for AT&T Labs Research.


Potential customers for the software, which is priced in the thousands of dollars, include telephone call centers, companies that make software that reads digital files aloud and makers of automated voice devices.


James R. Fruchterman, the chief executive of Benetech, a non-profit organization that uses technology in social-service projects, tested the software along with a dozen people who evaluate technology for blind people, and they said they were impressed.


``Natural Voices gets into the gray area,'' he said, ``where there is plausible deniability that it is a machine.''


Rabiner said he is excited about the possibility of resurrecting renowned voices, like that of Harry Caray, the Chicago Cubs announcer who delivered rousing play-by-play broadcasts. ``There are probably hours of recordings in archives,'' he said. Wouldn't it be great, he asked, if Harry Caray's voice could once again be broadcasting in Wrigley Field?


Ownership issues


The technology raises several questions. Who, for example, owns the rights to a celebrity's voice? Rabiner predicted that new contracts will be drawn that include voice-licensing clauses.


With computer-generated characters already appearing in place of real ones in some movies, will computer-synthesized voices compete with those of live actors as well?


And although scientists say the technology is not yet good enough to perpetrate fraud, synthesized voices may eventually be capable of tricking people into thinking that they were getting phone calls from people they know.


For now, technical limitations may temper any worries that a person's voice could be lifted without permission.


To build the software that re-creates unique voices -- which AT&T Labs is calling its ``custom voice'' product -- a person must first go to a studio where engineers record 10 hours to 40 hours of readings. Texts range from business news reports to nonsense babble. The recordings are then chopped into fragments of sounds and sorted into databases. When the software processes a text, it retrieves the sounds and re-assembles them to form new sentences.


Gains in synthetic speech


In the case of long-dead celebrities, archival recordings could be used in the same way.


Other companies and research centers, like IBM Research and Lernout and Hauspie, are also experimenting with this technique -- which is called concatenative speech synthesis -- to improve the quality of text-to-speech software. It is a big step up, engineers say, from the speech engines that were built from whole words that had been pre-recorded. And it is also a vast improvement, some say, from the entirely computer-generated and therefore robotic sounds that are used in many versions of text-to-speech software on the market today.


Now aided by the declining cost and increasing speed of microprocessors, far smoother sentences are possible, Rabiner said. He said that the speech team at AT&T Labs, led by Juergen Schroeter, an expert in speech synthesis, had created a more refined form of the concatenative technique by breaking a person's voice into ``the smallest number of units possible.''


A demonstration of the technology will be available on the Web beginning today at, said Michael Dickman, a spokesman for AT&T Labs.


Still, many engineers are skeptical of claims of a completely simulated voice that is almost indistinguishable from that of a human.


Now the pressure is on to perfect the technology. Analysts at McKinsey & Co. have predicted that the market for text-to-speech software will reach more than $1 billion in the next five years. In addition to customers like call centers and manufacturers of automated voice systems, the software could also be used by publishers of video games and books-on-tape and automobile manufacturers whose cars are equipped with software that gives driving directions. In the near future, engineers have said they expect people will want high-end speech technology that enables them to interact at length with their cell phones and Palm organizers, instead of typing on and squintingat a tiny screen.


 Reply:   Correct link
Replied by(International_Professor) Replied on (23/May/2010)

Please check for correct link given in the article

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