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Outsiders conspiring to eliminate locals of Gilgit-Baltistan: by BNF chief
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Outsiders conspiring to eliminate locals of Gilgit-Baltistan

BNF chief


BRUSSELES: The people who back foreign occupying agency which is responsible of killing innocent people of Gilgit Baltistan to create sectarian division for the design of Divide and Rule will not be let gone un-punished.

He was responding to the recent blames of Mehdi Shah, the puppet Chief Minister of Gilgit Baltistan in which he blames Abdul Hamid Khan and other nationalists who are struggling against Pakistani occupation for the turmoil of Gilgit.   The aim of the blames is to divert the attention of the local indigenous people against the Pakistani occupying intelligence agency’s crimes.

The exiled Chairman of Balawaristan National front (BNF), Mr. Abdul Hamid Khan has said outsiders coming to Gilgit-Baltistan had not only destroyed the exemplary peace of the region but were also conspiring to expel the locals from their ancestral land by terrorism.

These elements are also responsible for pitting the local people against each other in the name of religion and ethnicity to gain their objectives, he said in a statement issued from Brussels.

He asked the people of Gilgit-Baltistan to recognize these anti-religion and anti-peace foreign elements and rise to defeat and crush them.

Mr. Khan issued the statement in reaction to the remarks of the puppet chief minister of Gilgit-Baltistan, Mehdi Shah, who after failing to reply to media’s pinching queries about his administration’s failures to give any relief to the flood affected people and tried to shift all the blame on the BNF chief and nationalists.

Mr. Khan said how indigenous people and the son of soil (Hamid Khan) can even think of betraying his motherland. This is a business for those settlers like Mehdi Shah whose ancestors migrated this land for their economic benefits.

He said Mehdi Shah’s agenda was to divide the people of the region on sectarian lines, so they keep on fighting each other, paying the way for the rulers of Islamabad to perpetuate their rule in the region and plunder its rich resources.

Mr. Khan pointed out that it was not for the first time that sons of the soil fighting for their rights, were termed traitors and peace enemies by the settlers on the instigation of  foreign agenciess. He said Mehdi Shah and his masters sitting in Islamabad had prepared the old conspiracy against him. He said that the international community should take notice of such nefarious conspiracy against the indigenous people of Gilgit Baltistan.

The BNF chief asked that how many culprits responsible for the recent killings of innocent people in Gilgit have been arrested by the puppet  Mehdi Shah. He said it was the height of incompetency that nationalists of the region were being held responsible for the deteriorating law and order situation in the region.

He said the puppet chief minister had accepted his failure in front of the media and, therefore, he has no justification to continue as the head of the administration and quit in the best interest of the masses.

BNF chief while referring to Medi Shah’s denial of the presence of Chinese forces in the region said that Mr. Shah was not worthy of even comprehending such a question. “He had not blamed, if his masters would have not directed him to utter.

BNF chief further said Chinese forces had not been brought to the region in consultation with Mehdi Shah. He said Mehdi Shah is concerned with his Pakistani employment. Besides, before blaming the police for law and order, Mehdi Shah has to understand that the police chief and all the responsible posts including Chief Secretary, Home Secretary and deputy Commissioner are held with Pakistani national.  Mehdi Shah who considers himself as the ruler of the region should dare to order the inspector general of police (IGP), the chief secretary, home secretary, Deputy Commissioner, the head of  army and the heads of intelligence agencies in the region to stop killing of innocent people of Gilgit.  He further said, in the past fingers were pointed at India for any law and order situation in the region though no one has ever been punished for such a crime. Now the fingers are pointed at Americans. The question then arises that are these Pakistani occupiers of the region are giving a free hand to the Indian murderers in the region or these outsiders (Pakistanis) themselves killing the Gilgitis under the garb of the so called foreign hands. Mr. Khan said that the Gilgit police are not the killers rather it was the heads of Pakistan’s secret agencies, the chief secretary, the FC chief and the IGP who always come from outside and have been protecting the terrorists who are  involved in the killing of the local indigenous people. These outsider officers were always behind the killing of innocent Gilgitis and awarded the killers after they accomplished their jobs. Strangely, till today none of those involved in the killing of local people has been brought to justice. In contrary, innocent people of the region are put behind bars for the crime committed by others, this is the long tactics of Pakistani intelligent agencies.


He said all types of allegations were being leveled against him and his party because he always exposed the actual culprits.

When I expose the arrival of the Chinese forces like the East India-like Company under the garb of constructing roads and highways in the region, it became totally indigestible for Mehdi Shah and co and the foreign forces started their conspiracy by killing the innocent people of the region. They also ordered their puppet Mehdi Shah to start leveling dirty charges against the nationalists, the BNF chief added. But he said that Mehdi Shah cannot make fool the people of the region by such propaganda.

Khan alleged that Mehdi Shah wanted a Balochistan-like operation in Gilgit-Baltistan so that a rein of oppression is let loose and the struggle of nationalists is crushed.

He said had there been an active and independent judiciary like a high court and supreme court in the region; the nationalists would have file libel cases against Mehdi Shah as well as other Pakistani agencies with the courts. However, it is the worse slavery in which masters use such types of tactics to perpetuate their rule on the local people.

Mr. Khan asked the nation to differentiate between patriot people and the enemies of the region. He said struggles for independent are never crushed through lies and terror tactics.


 Reply:   Sayings
Replied by(shahmurad65) Replied on (5/Jan/2011)

Democracy ??? These times most of the people think that democracy is the only and the best way to run the country. The best example is an ancient Greece, look at them, they had these famous meetings where they've decided about future of their country (in nowadays interpretation its a voting once in a few years). Another thing is that greeks (have you noticed that its Greece and greek, funny ah?) implemented is that during these meetings older (and hopefully wiser) people had one voice like the others, but a lot more heavier one. The corresponding "wiser" people are our prime minister and deputies. Another strong reason why democracy is good usually : "Look at all others ! USSR (socialism) fall apart ! Tyranny leading to poor countryman and rich dictator. Aristocracy is a rotten idea of concentrating the power in hands of a few men." Basically, this is it, we don't want to concentrate the power and control in one hands. We want to separate the three authorities and control them. We want to make decision by ourselves and we want to choose our future. Democracy is the closest regime to offer all this. More precise, this is how it looks to us. Lets look at the goals and how they are implemented in nowadays society. I. everyone can be accepted into any hierarchy level of rulers. Really? Did you ever tried, or on the contrary heard about a government which does not put their friends or relatives into the key positions ? Or maybe everyone can be a president/prime minister/minister ? You need a lot of money to be chosen as one, and a lot of money is more that average and therefore more than most of people have. This means that government positions are closed to most of the people. II. everyone can influence the future of the country. From time to time we read about new and dirty government/military secrets. There are many more secrets which are never revealed and never heard about. There are project that go on under "right" and "left" governments the same way. And one more thing, how much from what is going on do you know? What is your source of information ? Media : newspapers, TV and now Internet. It is know for a long time that people can be brainwashed, there are schemes how to do that and books that explain it. There are a good examples too : Germans and Russia. But now, this can't happen in our country! we are progressive and our government will never do anything like that! This is exactly what Russians thought (and BTW Americans were brainwashed very well during the cold war). III. Separation of the power. Yeah. This one works the best. We have successes in separating the authorities in most of the cases. There are still corruption, but the cases are rare. In conclusion, the power concentrates in hands of a few men (like in aristocracy), most of the people are unable to reaches the key positions and are unable to influence the country course, to make the things worse they are not aware of many things which occur. You're a duracell battery like in "Matrix", it just that you supply your vote and not electricity. You supply your vote to the man who looks better on TV and who has better speech writers. This is your purpose in life and this is all you need to know.
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