"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
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Our Leaders and  Governance?


A cursory review of the events on any given day is enough to cast a spell of gloom and disgust among the nation. What a country with great potential the Quaid had bequeathed to us and to what a dismal present have we brought it to by our sheer poor governance?  A random sampling of some of the recent events:


·        Punjab government tries to allot govt. residential accommodation to Ex Chief Justice of LHC, to which the Chief Secretary of the province objected saying it will lay an impracticable (bad) precedence for the future retiring officials. The question arises does the chief dispenser of the justice not know of whether such an allotment would be in order or otherwise? If not in order, why did the conscience of the Qazi ul Quzzat not prick him? He should have been the first person to object to it. But, what a governance?!

·        CM Sindh and his entourage stopped from entering Quaid’s mazar to pay their homage due to a ceremony of changing of the guards in progress there. The Changing of the Guards ceremony at the Quaid’s Mazar is timed to the last second; when will it commence, what will precisely happen at what minute and what time it will finish.  Pity, the Chief Minister’s staff did not know of the precision involved and created an issue out of a nonissue by escorting the CM there out of time. What a governance?!

·        Multi-Political Parties function commemorating Quaid’s birthday at Lahore fell victim to chaos and hooliganism of the different party workers trying to outshout the rivals with slogans for and against their leaders.  No amount of repeated requests by the various “leaders” to observe the sanctity of the occasion could imbue any semblance of discipline or decorum in them and the function had to be abandoned. What a leadership and what a governance?!


   Nations rise and fall due to their leaders.


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

 Reply:   Our Leaders and Governance?
Replied by(turkman) Replied on (26/Dec/2010)

Please try to understand Colonel ...! Mr. Jinnah had freed us so, we were showing him that Freedom that he had given to us, in that gathering.
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