This is another Friday. And there is another strange decision from Supreme Court of Pakistan.
The Supreme Court has given the strange decision that, as the process of presidential election has already started, so the election should go on according to schedule but official notification of the result would not be announced until the Court give final decision on the main petition. Again I would say, how strange! It is like that, a man is butchering another man, and as the man has already started the cutting of throat so he should not be stopped until he is done with the butchering. After completion of the cutting, any notice may be taken of this issue whether it is legal or illegal. How strange!!
This is not first of this type of ludicrous decision by the Supreme Court. Earlier also it decided that, the dessolution of assemblies were unconstitutional, but as election process had already started, so assemblies could not be restored. That was probably known as Nusrat Bhutto case. But then that was an impotent Supreme Court of that time. Now it is considered to be stronger, though not really independant as many people have all along been harping. Yes, Ch Ifthekhar may be free and independant, so may be Bhagwan Das, but not the other judges, particularly from Punjab.
Now coming to today's decision: the Supreme Court has allowed to hold election as election commissioner has already announced the election schedule, and as election process has already started. But it had decided to hold back the official result. After election it would surely allow to notify the result, when it would hold the view that as elections had already been held and as all the parties had put considerable amount of efforts in the electioneering, so the results cannot be cancelled now. Pure and simple. For now it has only created some nuisance value, by making the 'game' wide open, as we normaly hear in oneday cricket matches.
It is also strange that, media is not taking any notice of such strangeness, but asking the parties who is winner and who is looser by this decision. The media should have made detail discussions on such decisions, the implications of which are really far reaching.
Badbakht and badqismat Pakistan !!
- Sayef Hussain