"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ghayyur_Ayub
Full Name: Ghayyur Ayub
User since: 26/Jul/2007
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Sacrificing for BB.


We saw two types of sacrifices offered by those who love BB. First, the rich offered animals and the poor their lives. It was good to see BB coming out her home in Dubai under the shadow of Quran and bursting into tears when she put foot on the soil of motherland (I must appreciate Nahid's friendly kiss and hug to calm her down.) It was also good to see Imam Zaamin wrapped around her arm and Tasbeeh hanging from her right hand, but it would have been equally good had she stayed behind at the massacre scene (or even desired to stay behind) for a short while and seen helping those who offered their lives for her. Instead, she joined the ones who slaughtered animals and was whisked away in a nearby waiting car. As far as risking her life is concerned, Rehman Malik told Kamran Khan, that she twice refused to go behind the bullet proof glass saying, "˜Her life is in God's hand.' The question is; did she miss a chance to show the poor of his party that she really loves them? Or her love-cry for the poor is just rhetoric? I hope it is the former.

 Reply:   They are all the most corrupt
Replied by(Sajjad) Replied on (1/Nov/2007)

They are all the most corrupt consciousness and character less lot. They are thugs, butchers and looters of the country. This is how they obtained their massive wealth or their ancestors did and this is how they stick to the same trade. Some wear a particular dress of a trade some don't. Some carry a gun, some a rosary and some a razor sharp lying tongue.
These Vampires are merely eating and sucking the people of Pakistan. They suck their blood, their hard earned wages and then strip the country of its resources. When one sticks his teeth in the Jugular vein of Pakistan and stays there too long getting fat and swollen, the next in turn starts complaining that he/she is not letting go, its my parties turn to suck. When no one listens, off they go to Arabia, England or Washington to complain. Since they supply the feed to keep this victim of Draculas alive, the Vampires have to listen to them. To scare the people and to keep them subjugated and yielding, they arrange for bloody carnage, suicide bombs, gang warfare's, allegations, trumped up charges, involvement in judicial cases, abductions, torture, rape and all that is done in hell. It is the perpetual gang rape of a nation since sixty years by its Military, the Jagirdars, Feudal lords, corrupt bureaucrats, the most inept political parties and by the hypocrite clergy who supports them. The Mullah/Immams keep the citizens of the country drugged while the above rape the nation.

 Reply:   Who is right?
Replied by(farhan) Replied on (21/Oct/2007)

I agree with all the below statements and in addition just would like to say this.
" Kiya hal pochtey ho merey karobar ka
Andhoon ke shehar may aina bechta hon"
 Reply:   only Allah alone is Zamin. No
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (21/Oct/2007)
Dear All: Assalamo Alaikum
  • We Must Not Forget that only Allah alone is Zamin. No Imam can be Zamin. It is an outright Shirk to think anyone other than Allah will and can protect anyone. 
  • Benazir Tasbeeh etc. are all fraud. And only idiots can be deceived by such tactics.
  • She is a Zionist agent and made sajood to them before coming to Pakistan. So Allah will not hel p her at all. Those who take Allah's enemies as friends are among the enemies of Allah.
  • She is enormoulsy corrupt. She stole thousands of billions and because of her every house is paying 5 times electrcity bills. Because of this backbone of our industry is desrtoryed causing enormous unemployment,
  • She said that she will hand over Abdul Qadeer to Zionists.  Did Israel hand over her Scientists to us???
  • Benazir like Musharraf is daughter of a dancer. Nusrat was a belly dancer and Musharraf's mother won first prize for dancing in front of Queen Victoria.
  • Muslims of Pakistan will not accept Benazir. Benazir, Musharraf, Alataf Hussain and Fazlur Rehman all will be thrown into Arabian sea soon Insha Allah Ta'lah.

 Reply:   BB ke Shaheed
Replied by(Hasan_Shabbir) Replied on (21/Oct/2007)

Dear All,
It's nice to see the political awareness in the country and sad to see 150 people killed just for nothing.. :(

Here I have only ONE question..

Musharraf faced two suicide attacks..ok
Core commanders had suicide attacks.. ok
and now BB had this suicide attack...
Please tell me
Why All these suicide Bombers, having the most powerful RDX explosives and no fear for life, FAIL ???????????
Why they don't they really HIT the TARGET???
Why always, ONLY innocent people, bechari public is killed????
Why BOTH suiciders exploded far away from bullet proof truck and why BB shifted downstairs for rest at the time of explosion. who was managing these timings ??? :)
has not suicide bombing become the easiest and most convenient way of getting your objectives...

Everybody knows who got benifit from 9/11, from musharraf's assassination, From this recent attack on "BB".

Everybody has forgot the inhuman Reconcilliation ordinance and BB got all the votes of sympathy. :) Who will ask for 1.5 Billion Dollar looted money of BB and 3 billion dollar looted by Zia alliance.. surely none :)

She's definatley the next PM. Am i wrong?
Hasan/ An X Piplee :)
 Reply:   And what is BB sacrificing for
Replied by(Shumaila) Replied on (21/Oct/2007)

And what is BB sacrificing for the people??
In true fact what has she ever done right for the people .....sorry i can't recall??
Living away from the country in pure luxury , peace & independance is sacrifice ??

If one is sincere for the people & the country do we let our loved ones be displaced from their homes, villages & towns for the sake of a home coming welcome?
Do we let the economy suffer by a mass shut down of the economic hub of the country for the whole day & more in honour of her coming?
Do we let our beloved children of the nation - the future miss school days & fall behind in education?
Do we let the welcome party be stranded on the streets for 12 hours just to cross a 20 minute road distance?
How interesting & exciting was that? , did nobody in those hours need to drink, have lunch , afternoon tea & dinner? did nobody need to freshen up , use the toilet , rest & make better use of their time?
What kind of muslims are we , great in lip service ,effecient in getting all kinds of taaweez & imam zaamins & the least bothered to pray their farz namaz , was all of the million people exhempt from prayers that day? but they still wanted God's mercy ?

What amazing event planning, time management , human resource management & logical thinking was displayed by the great team of future leaders !!

Please excuse me from such love & devotion , I would rather die hated than have someone love , care & sacrifice for me that much !!
Regards: SF
 Reply:   PPP did this and BB was in on
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (20/Oct/2007)

Ghayur Sahib,

Over 130 people died. Her own vehicle was the target, how many people died in that? I think the majority. She got away. Later in the evening she stated that she had knowledge of this happening before hand. What does that mean? PPP did this and BB was in on the plot from top to bottom.

Z T Minhas

 Reply:   Why BB didn't announce any mon
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (20/Oct/2007)

why political parties always left it to government to announce some financial compensations for the dead or wounded, PPP is largest political party of Pakistan (according to them), they can spends millions on the rallies, but they never issued any compensation to the dead or wounded in their rallies, even not for the guard who died at airport, as of course no compensation will be offered to the personal guard of BB by government in any case.
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