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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
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HIGRADE scholarships

The Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Graduate School for Environmental Research (HIGRADE) invites applicants for PhD scholarshipsHIGRADE consists of a three-year graduate course curriculum combined with an experimental or empirical project leading to a dissertation. Seminars and courses are conducted in English; German language courses are offered to international students. A superior Master's degree or
equivalent is required for admission.

Each PhD student will have supervisors both at the partner university and at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ. Central workplace is at the cooperating university.

Scholarships amount to 1000-1500 EUR/month (depending on personal preconditions) with additional funding for travel grants (1500 EUR/ 3 yrs).

Research Fields and Topics of the scholarships :
Water Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems
Topic 1: "Land use effects and climate impacts on evapotranspiration and catchment water balance"

Topic 2: "Biomanipulation for eutrophication control in running waters: top-down effects on benthic key stone grazers"

Topic 3: "Particulate matter bounded pollutants in urban systems: dynamics of emissions, physico-chemical characteristics and their fate in receiving waters"

Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Technology
Topic 4: "Horizontal gene transfer in wastewater treatment plants"

Topic 11:"Oxidative enzymes of soil Actinomycetes related to radical formation, scavenging, soil organic matter formation and oxidation of heavy metal oxidation (OxiSOM)"

Topic 17: "Global Climate Changes Influence CO2-Fixation by Phytoplankton Photosysthesis - a Biothermodynamic Analysis"

Environmental Toxicology:
Topic 6: "Metabolic profiling and antioxidant defences for aquatic macrophytes under combined trace metal and organic pollutant stress"

Topic 7: "Impact of microbial transformations on the ecotoxicity of selected organic compounds"

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions:
Topic 8: "Bryophyte habitat models for the urban Flora of Halle"

Topic 10: "The impact of landuse on the population ecology of multi-trophic insect systems"
Environmental Modelling and Informatics
Topic 5: "Migration and fate of contaminats under hydrological changes at the watershed scale"

Topic 9: "Forensic modelling of fate and transport of contaminants of a megasite of chemical industry in a mining area based on numerical groundwater models"

Topic 12: "Influence of plant water relation on ecosystem function under water stress"

Society and Environment
Topic 13: "Institutional adaptation to climate change"

Topic 14: "The introduction of certification schemes to regulate biofuels in the global economy"

Environmental Health Research
Topic 15: "The role of maternal and infantile regulatory T-cells for allergy risk"

Topic 16: "Fibroblasts within the tissue microinvironment modulate inflammatory responses to environmental agents"

Applicants should contact the listed supervisors directly for more information before submitting their application.

Your application should be sent until 07.11.2007 (with Topic number/s of the particular research project/s you want to apply for) to the following address:

Dr. Vera Bissinger

HIGRADE coordinator

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ

Section Environmental Education and Events

Permoserstr. 15

04318 Leipzig

higrade@ufz. de
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