"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ghayyur_Ayub
Full Name: Ghayyur Ayub
User since: 26/Jul/2007
No Of voices: 302
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BB and her close confidents know that open support by the US does not go well with Pakistani public in context of elections or otherwise. The Americans are not naive to ignore this fact but yet they keep pounding on rhetoric irritating public psyche. I believe the PPP leadership has politely conveyed their subtle reservations on such open support.

So what could possibly be the motives behind it? I can think of two; one minor another major. Putting pressure on the honorable judges of Supreme Court vis-à-vis the two ongoing cases which, directly or indirectly, link BB can be taken as minor. But if, God forbid, something happens to BB in another attack identical to Karachi blasts, the country will go into acute turmoil. The Americans will make it a point and takeout the nuclear facilities as part of established plan, Condi spoke about in recent interviews. A non-nuclear Pakistan, no matter how destabilized, will not create gripes in US policy-implementers. Pertinently, it is essential to find out the actual culprits behind the Karachi blasts and the relevant groups stop pointing fingers in wrong directions.
 Reply:   BB and her PPP gang made up th
Replied by(Minhas) Replied on (1/Nov/2007)
truth is the facts on the ground and what can be garnered from evidence. The evidence SHOWS:
  1. she herself stated that she knew an attack was coming on her bus
  2. her bus was attacked FROM the inside
  3. the attack killed 136 people
  4. the attack was from INSIDE of the bus
  5. she was ON TOP OF THE BUS (she knew the attack was going to be IN the bus, so she better be OUTSIDE the bus)
  6. the IMMEDIATE claim is islamic fundas and the taliban
  7. the taliban are not to be found in karachi
  8. her party claims to have the head of the so-called suicide bomber
  9. they will NEVER produce that head

conclusion"¦. BB and her PPP gang made up this drama on their own with their own hands, they are responsible for the deaths of those 130+ people and injuries of 500+ she, like her father, brother, and husband is a thief and murderer.

 Reply:   major objective ie create big
Replied by(Farid) Replied on (1/Nov/2007)

If I understand Ghayyur correctly the major objective ie create big enough turmoil and pandemonium in which the state apparaus could be rendered helpless enabling our friends to take out our assets with minimum risk to this was to be attempted through the blasts at Karachi ? seems far fetched though but who least Baitullah Mehsud has denied his hand and I believe him....that leaves who else....thinking....lets think and share our hunches...thanks Ghayyur for triggering this thought process...
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