"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
Derar Brothers and Sisters: Assalamo Alaikum.
The So called suicide attacks in Pakistan are mostly not suicide attacks but these are in fact Government implanted powerful bombs with a definite purpose in mind. For example a few days before arrival of Nawaz Sharif on Islamabad Airport, a powerful bomb blast killed many people in a van. These people belonged to Pakistan Atomic Program. As you perhaps know that the program is now heavily infested by Qadyanis and members of Rotary, Lions clubs and free massons. So with one stone they acheived two purposes: 1) Intimidated people to not to come to welcome Nawaz Sharif and 2) Got rid of some unwanted people.
They did one more blast in Peshawar with an aim of intimidating people not to come from Frontier to welcome Nawaz Sharif.
Then they had a blast in Karachi which seems to be based on triangular Zionist puppets' planing i..e 1) Musharraf 2) Altaf Hussain and may be 3) Benazir. There is no doubt that Benazir is a Zionist puppet however Zionist generally do not trust women. They have therefore never allowed women to become members of Free Masson, Rotary and Lions' Club. Instead they have created a lioness club for women to entertain men but not to indulge in serious politicular issues. 
 Agencies on behlaf of Gvoernment use 'Mullas'. Sometimes religious leaders are trapped while some are bought e.g. Fazlur Rehman. Lal Masjid may be an exmaple where Abdul Aziz might have been trapped.
They always claim that sucide bomber's head is found. But usually there is no such head and it is all to deceive people through media. In case of F 8 bomb blast to kill Chief Justice, there was no head of suicide bomber as I myself examined all the bodies of the incidence at PIMS. My student doctors collected DNA samples from the dead bodies. It is interesting to note that Mr. Kamran Khan of GEO was claiming that head of suicide bomber was found repeatedly at the speed ot two times per minute. It clearly shows that Mr. Kamran Khan was saying what was told to him based on the preplanning of the attack.
In case of Rawalpindi bomb blast day befoe yesterday i.e. 30th October, 2007, PIMS hospital emergency was high alerted before the incidence. The aim of the Government seems to impose Emergency or Martial Law (which will be a futile exercise Insha Allah) based on the incidences of Karachi, Sawat and Rawalpindi blasts! 
Poor policemen and military men are killed in these incidences in addition to common people. This is another sign of last days where people will be killed without knowing why hey are being killed and killers will not know why they are killing. 
It is the duty of every citizen of Pakistan particularly Muslims to wake up and dischare their duties to save the country. We have much worse than Yahya Khan so called President who is bent to destroy Pakistan and moral fabrics of Pakistan. Look at the advertisement of LG phones etc on GEO and ARY etc. and other nauseating programs e.g. Mrs. Nawazish etc. 
The educated Muslims must hold tight the rope of Allah i.e. Quran-e-Majeed. They must start learning Quranic Arabic and read Quran with full understanding several times a day both in regular congregational prayers as well as out side the prayers. Remember Allah frequently. Teach Quran-e-Majeed to others as well. Order the good and ask people to refrain from evil. Remember we Muslims are the chosen people to be the role model for the world like the Prophet (PBUH) was the role model for us.
Anwar Ul Haque,
116. St. 49 F 11/3 Islamabad 440000
Phone: 2294099,
 Reply:   some thoughs/
Replied by(munda_khi) Replied on (16/Feb/2008)

Very interesting observation. As the claim that BB was a zionist puppet. Now Nawaz Sharif was and still is trying to create some kind of coalition with PPP. Where does this put him, wannabe zionist puppet. just a thought.
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