"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ghayyur_Ayub
Full Name: Ghayyur Ayub
User since: 26/Jul/2007
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Routing corruption through "˜healing process'


Talking about NRO, general Musharaf's mouthpiece, Mohammad Ali Durrani gregariously intoned that this was a 'healing process' and the one that 'we hope will change the political culture of Pakistan'.


Indeed, General Musharaf who took a principle stand to abolish corruption when he took over the reign in October 1999 has found a unique way of routing it by legalizing it and calling it a "˜healing process'. I am trying desperately to find an assuaging word for this act of generosity and constantly come up with a term I am too embarrassed to utter. I guess for me a principle stand bears no grey area; either it is black or white.

 Reply:   General Musharraf has turned
Replied by(Shumaila) Replied on (1/Nov/2007)
To tell you the truth General Musharraf has turned out to be SUCH a disappointment !
He came to power with such promises & an untainted past ,seemed like a modern,decent, powerful General who had a progressive vision for our country, his ability to get us through the post 9/11 crisis & also the earthquake tragedy as One Nation encouraged us to believe & put our trust in him to do what is right for the people & the country, somehow he either lost track of his objectives & promises or started showing his true colours.........either way it is pure disappointment & hopelessness that one feels AGAIN in our leadership, the current scenario is nothing but a crisis situation for our nation & to throw salt on wounds further the "Healing Process" for the already gifted robbers of Pakistan is a "Poisoning Process" for the rest of us !
Yes, anyone who compromises on their principals is not fit to lead let alone make such non unanimous decisions !
We may debate all we can & cry all we can but it would'nt make any difference , if we are sincere & REALLY want to do something about it then we must come up with a plan of action as the elections are only a couple of months away.
The welcome show that BB put up was also to show strength & discourage all opponents , yes , she does have immense support but remember Pakistan is a country of 150/160 million people & though it might look like she has both feet in the PM house, but it it still not over though we are only left with very few options like:
1) Either we can get behind another "better" opposition leader & bring that party/person into power in the next election.
We lost a great opportunity at the Presidential elections time by not giving support to Justice Wajeehuddin - the only other candidate to stand for Presidential elections against Musharraf. It was the best & cleanest way to get to a change of leadership , by not supporting & empowering him it has only highlighted that the opposition to Musharraf's re-election was just lip service & had no substance to it, it was just another CON.
2) We gather such great "People's Power" to make the current leaders rethink their objectives . Even though they know how to rally crowds, get local & international support but let us not be so powerless that we let them do & play as they wish , they must still work on the people's agenda & not their own agendas.
Anyone with other action points to share , please do so as we will be answerable to our children also , we must be able to look back & not be ashamed giving excuses , " yes, we were educated, sensible & sincere group of citizens of Pakistan who were aware of everything & understood all the games BUT..............."
Please let it not come to this.
Best Regards:
Allah Hafiz Always

 Reply:   we overLooked and forgive the
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (1/Nov/2007)

In capital talk Kamil Ali Agha said himelf on record, that by this NRO we overLooked and forgive the corruption (because that was property of their father), so now it is again very clear that they overlooked corruption not the cases
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