"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ghayyur_Ayub
Full Name: Ghayyur Ayub
User since: 26/Jul/2007
No Of voices: 302
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 Dear all,


One must appreciate Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehamn's politics. He shares "˜Fazl' of his name with rebel leader Fazl ul Lah of Taliban and "˜Rehman' with Rehman Malik of PPP. He sits candidly on sofa with Ch Shujat smiling at the framed picture of president Musharaf in uniform, covering invitation cards sent by opposition under his colorful "˜Chugha'. "˜Jeo Maulana', (long live maulana). 


Dr Ghayur Ayub

 Reply:   Busharraf did it againscript
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (24/Nov/2007)
W ith Allah's Name,the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

With News of Nawaz shairf coming we see two bomb blasts. It seems an action replay. Last time when he arrived there were two blasts; one in Rawalpindi and other in Peshawar. Seems Buhsarraf likes these bloody games and try to scare people to not to come to welcome their leader. He also did the same in Karachi on 12th May and also in F 8 Islamabad.
This appears to be the last hick up before final drowning of this Pharaoh Insha Allah soon. The past president of Pakistan Bar Association Mr. Munir Malik is having serious health condition poiting towards kidney and liver failure. He has been in the custody of police on orders of Busharraf. He is currently admitted in the hospital where dozens of policemen chase this sick man like haunting dogs. It is the duty of the International Bar Associations all over the world and Pakistan to protest against Busharraf's cruel and sadistic treatment to the opponents. As there are no courts in Pakistan, people have no avenue to seek justice. However one court is open and that is of Allah Ta'lah and we pray to Allah Ta'lah with all sincerity and humility that Busharraf and all of his comrades and supporters to go the bottem most pit of hell fire and remain there forever. Aameen. Ya Rabbal Aalameen.

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