"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: fairy
Full Name: Furheen
User since: 25/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 6
American elections what they mean for Pakistan
Views:2638 Replies:1
The Dynasty of Vassals (The Righteous Criterion) by Furheen
Views:2261 Replies:0
Hoshmand Raho by Fairy
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Pride or Privilege by Furheen
Views:2327 Replies:0
Azadi kahan kho gaii by Furheen
Views:2577 Replies:1

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Hoshmand Raho


Meray Aziz Humwatano,


Loosing a charismatic leader is indeed a loss for the nation and a reason for grief but loosing our Perspective that is Pakistan and its assets would indeed be an unrepairable loss of a colossal proportion.


Bear in mind my fellow citizens that there are forces which desire Pakistan to be declared a failed state incapable of securing any nuclear arsenals. Therefore we have to maintain our sanity and rise above our emotionalism and show the world we are a capable and sensible nation who cannot just harness our own devils but the devils that are waiting in our pursuit!


Preach calm and restrain anywhere you are right now for the sake of Pakistan.


All Pakistanis and especially I am requesting to the adrenal laid youth display strength by harnessing the Martian inside you. These are times of testing and we would fair well if we show restrain than combat.


Inshallah we will establish good throughout the nation very soon but not with violence but with determination of favoring justice and establishing independent and upright institutions.


Destroying a single brick or a bush of this Pak Nation is no less than a sin and a sign of ungratefulness that will not go without disfavor of the lord who has bestowed sovereignty upon us and he is Qader can reverse the process and enslave us again!


Joosh Nahi Hosh say kam lo!



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