Bismillah hir Rehman nir Raheem
Dear Assalamo Alaikum.
Agenices are not necessarily local. These are International and controlled by Zionists-Neocons. Behind all these attacks these agencies are working. Few people in armed forces could have link with them but by and large our armed forces are not directly involved. Armed forces must implement Hamoodur Rehman report and prevetn the ways in which Mush like people come to power. Who has doubt that Mush is agent of Zionists and have strong Qadyani links.
Isn't this an insult to our Ar
Replied by(
Replied on (31/Mar/2008)
Dear Sir
It might be news to you that anything an everything can be bought in Pakistan. Just go round the city and you will find scores of corolla 86. They are all non-custom duty paid cars. Unfortunately price of buying someone's loyalties is very low in Pakistan.
Once you blame secret agencies, you know that almost all of them are semi or totally manned by armed forces personnel. Doubting these people who even die unknown deaths at unknown fronts in undeclared wars is a direct insult to our armed forces.