"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

Single Eye of Dajjal & Terrorism

Anwar Ul Haque

I am 100% sure that all most all of the terrorist acts are carried out by the secret agencies. It is not easy to get the huge amount of ammunition and blast. This is not available in the market. And why people will kill ordinary normal innocent people? What they get out of these? The agencies controlled by Sub animal beasts with no heart and Dajjal (Anti Christ) features i.e. their eye of humanity and morality is closed  thus they have single  eye as you  can see on  one dollar  (USA) note and also in Free Masons etc. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had foretold that the Dajjal will have only one eye. His that eye will be that sharp that if he  looked at sky he would be able to pierce stars and if looked at sea he could see the bottom of the sea. So the materialistic eye of these people is ultra sharp. Alas their eye of humanity and morality is totally shut. They don't care about suffering of common people and that is the reason we had Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic blasts and thats whey we have blood sucking IMF and World Bank.
The Quran in Surah At-Teen (The Fig) describes the entire picture beautifully. By the Fig and Olive (referring to Jesus peace be upon him), the Mount Sinai referring to Moses, Peace be upon him and "this peaceful city" i..e Makkah referring to the Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismaeel (Ishmaeel) and Muhammad (Peace be upon them) Allah Ta'lah says that we created human being in the best form and with best potential ( i.e. they can reach to the heights of these great Prophets) but then We reduced him to the lowest of the low (Sub Animal Materialism i.e. SAM).

Once we had a hammer group in Pakistan which used to kill people by smashing the heads of poor people with hammer. Finally the culprit were identified and that were the Zionist wife of Libyan Consulate in Pakistan. Once the cat was out of bag, the hammer group simply vanished.

From 9/11 to London Bomb Blast, to blast in Spanish train and numerous other acts of terrorism against civilians are carried out by SAM and its agents. With closed eye of humanity and morality, they speak tons of lies on  all media and fabricate false proofs, false e-mail messages and false videos e.g. video of Osama etc from Tora Bora mountains to Al-Jazeera TV via Kabul and Islamabad. They can even predict that a new video tape is coming. This is like announcing new film. How it is possible and why the source is not blasted? Because it is made in White House i.e. the House of White Lies under the technical support of Hollywood and patronage of Zionists and NeoCons who are in reality Satan Worshipers. Bush as you know  is a member of  Skull and  Bone  organization  at Yale.  So these slave s of  Satan can  do  only  Satanic  things  i.e. terrorism  and lies  and  deception. 

Dr. Anwar Ul Haque
116. St. 49 F 11/3 Islamabad 44000
Phone: 2294099, 2293707, 03335129849
 Reply:   Agencies include Mossad, RAW,
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (31/Mar/2008)

Bismillah hir Rehman nir Raheem

Dear Assalamo Alaikum.

Agenices are not necessarily local. These are International and controlled by Zionists-Neocons. Behind all these attacks these agencies are working. Few people in armed forces could have link with them but by and large our armed forces are not directly involved. Armed forces must implement Hamoodur Rehman report and prevetn the ways in which Mush like people come to power. Who has doubt that Mush is agent of Zionists and have strong Qadyani links.
 Reply:   Isn't this an insult to our Ar
Replied by(nrqazi) Replied on (31/Mar/2008)

Dear Sir
It might be news to you that anything an everything can be bought in Pakistan. Just go round the city and you will find scores of corolla 86. They are all non-custom duty paid cars. Unfortunately price of buying someone's loyalties is very low in Pakistan.
Once you blame secret agencies, you know that almost all of them are semi or totally manned by armed forces personnel. Doubting these people who even die unknown deaths at unknown fronts in undeclared wars is a direct insult to our armed forces.
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