"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: mnaveed
Full Name: maroof naveed
User since: 26/May/2007
No Of voices: 6
Pakistan Zindabad
Views:2180 Replies:0
Pakistan Zindabad
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Anti Balochi CJ (Chief Joker)
Views:2216 Replies:1
Biased Judge - Choudhary Ifkhikar (Pro Panjabi and Pro Pakhtoon)
Views:2414 Replies:5
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Views:4762 Replies:2

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Every act of Choudhary Iftikhar is pro panjabi and propakhtoon. All the political cases were registered in the era of this corrupt chief justice. Zardari was sentenced in jail for eight year and he took no action. He also bribed Justice Ramday and he dismissed Supreme Judicial Council and took matters in his hand.
Shame on you CJ (Chief Joker not Chief Justice)....
 Reply:   Basically you dont have any kn
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (5/Apr/2008)
No one is allowed in inside areas of Baluchistan.
and in dera bugti it is dream now a days to visit.
But as i previously said, you yourself never condemned these issues and you are standing beside those who did it, but just for the sake of leg pulling you are trying to make an issue.
But let me tell you, you and your masters cant get the respect, even by spending billions, which God has given to honorable CJ.

 Reply:   Anti Balochi CJ (Chief Joker)
Replied by(mnaveed) Replied on (5/Apr/2008)
Choudhary Iftikhar supporing only Panjabis and Pakhtoons

Why did he attend a conference in Quetta and playing dirty politics??

He should visit the grave of Mir Bugti Shaheed.
Tell your Chief Joker to visit grave of Bugti Shaheed instead of desparately trying to get his job back.

 Reply:   Where were you when they both
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (5/Apr/2008)
And that killer is still your president and shamefully you and your party are still his pet
This CJ may be is not from Blochi breed but he belongs with Baluchistan, he was former CJ of Baluchistan, this is the problem with biased people like you, you always judge people from your own biased thinking, to some you recognize from their breed and to some you recognize from their place of birth and to some from their current location.
Why Altaf hussain called him self Mohajir ? was he Born in India and then migrated, why now some time he used to call himself Sindhi?
Why you people are after every one's breed and origin of birth?
why you cant judge people o the basis of their religion and country.
 Reply:   Previous corrupt CJ was panjab
Replied by(mnaveed) Replied on (5/Apr/2008)
Does he speak balochi?

CJ was not balochi or pro balochi?

Where was CJ (Chief joker) when Akbar Bugti was assassinated?
Where was CJ when Balaach Marri was killed?
This is the reason baloch have become against panjabis. Panjabis occupy Balochistan to grab the land of peaceful Baloch people.

 Reply:   You are anti Pakistani nothing
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (5/Apr/2008)

You called Honorable CJ, pro Punjabi, Pro Pukhtooon and you forgot to add that he belongs to Baluchistan, which will make him pro-Bloch as well.
So why don't u call him anti-Sindhi straight away.
And what you call deposed CJ of high court Sindh, anti Sindh as well?
and what about all other judges? who didn't take oath and supporting CJ.
Mr Naveed, persons like should be condemned at very high level, because you are the people who cant see Pakistan and Pakistani flourish.
People like you have only Pro MQM and Pro Mush and pro America agenda which is in short Anti-Islam and anti Pakistan agenda.
You should some day, think about Pakistan and Islam rather thinking of one ethnic and terrorist party.
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Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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