"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
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For most anglophones, Mecca has long been the accepted spelling for the Holy City. The word is a transliteration of the original Arabic, and has become part of the English language.

The word Mecca now refers to more than just the geographical location (i.e. not only the Holy City in Saudi Arabia) , and is used to describe any center of activity sought or converged upon by a group of people with a common interest. Las Vegas, for example, is sometimes described as 'the Mecca of gambling,' and 'Mecca Bingo' a division of  The Rank Group Plc., which Muslims find these out-of-context uses very offensive.

Mecca is also used in the names of the following:

  • Mecca, California, a town in Riverside County, California,  USA.
  • Mecca, Indiana, a town in Parke County, Indiana, USA.
  • Mecca-Cola a cola-flavoured carbonated beverage[1]
However, in an effort to distinguish between the metaphorical and official references to the holy site, the Saudi Arabian government in the 1980s began promoting a new transliteration, 'Makkah al-Mukarramah' ( Ù…كة المكرمة), which is closer to the original Arabic. While this new usage has been officially adopted by the U.S. Department of State (http://www.state. gov/r/pa/ ei/bgn/3584. htm), its spread is still incipient among anglophones at large (i.e. it is not part of the active vocabulary of English-speakers. )
In Arabic the word for 'prostitute house' is Bayt ul Iqhaab. Those who forwarded this statement should be asked to provide evidence that the word "SHARAB KHANA" means "prostitute centre" in Arabic or Bahasa Kebangsaan (Malay)." I don't think they can - because, as stated in the following dictionary word search - "SHARAB KHANA" is simply one of many words which stands for "Bar" in Urdu.
Translation of SHARAB KHANA Displaying translations 1 to 1 of 1 |
 English Urdu Script Roman Urdu
sharab khana

 Bar rukaawat
 Bar katehra
 Bar sharab khana
 Bar wukla ki jamat
 Bar rokna

Muslims  should be mindful that by transmitting this concocted story,  they may find themselves falling foul to the wicked designs of the enemies of Islam. Please share my response with our brothers and sisters in Islam so that they will know the truth and desist forwarding this untruthful story, in shaa`Allaah.
The following is an excerpt from an article entitled: "Verification" http://www.sunnahon ilm/istiqaamah/ nov1996_d. htm:


Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidahullaah) relates: "Allaah - the Majestic, the Most High - orders us to verify any news that reaches us concerning a group or party from amongst the Muslims, when an evil news reaches us which necessitates fighting or opposing this group. Allaah - the Mighty, the Most High - orders us not be hasty and rush into this affair, until we have verified the matter. Allaah - the Most Perfect - says:

"O you who believe! When a wicked person comes to you with some news, ascertain and verify it, lest you harm someone in ignorance and then afterwards regret for what you have done." (al-Hujuraat 49:6)

Meaning: If some news reaches you about a group or party from amongst the people, concerning an action that they have done and which deserves to be fought against, then do not be hasty about the matter, nor announce war against them, nor attack them - until you have verified the authenticity of the report." (Wujoobut-Tathbbat fil-Akhbaari wa Ihtiraamil-' Ulemaa, pp. 22-23)

Imaam Muslim related in the introduction to his Saheeh (no.5):

Aboo Hurayrah (radiyallaahu` anhu) states that the Prophet, Sall Allaahu `alayhi wa sallam said: "˜"It is enough to render a man a liar that he relates everything he hears."

Shaykh 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee (hafidahullaah) said:

"˜"˜The daa'ee (caller) must be careful in everything, particularly in regards to what he hears from people, or what he reads in books.  So it is an obligation upon him to check and verify everything which reaches his ears or eyes, before spreading it and circulating it amongst the people.  His carefulness will be increased with regards to two cases:
Firstly: When what is being conveyed to him is connected to the Religion and the Sharee'ah, such as something being quoted as a hadeeth, or a fiqh ruling, and its like. 
Secondly: If someone reports something bad about a person, or an evil word from someone.  He must check its correctness, carefully find out the reality and what is correct, and not hasten to transmit it and add it to the stream of news!'' (Source: Arba'oon Hadeethan fid-Da'wah wad-Du'aat p. 63) - unquote.
In closing, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala tells us: "And do not follow (blindly) any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception, you must verify it for yourself). In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning." (Al Israa 17:36 - interpretation of the meaning)
I have attached two (2) articles below  explaining the incorrect usuage of the name 'Mecca' for the West's un-Islamic enterprises. There was no mention that 'Mecca' means "prostitute center" - if it were true that it stood for "prostitute center"  do you think the West would use it to represent their enterprises?
In shaa`Allaah, the above information helps. 
Fee Amaanillaah,
Your sister,
K a r i m a
____________ _________ _____
[1] Mecca-Cola was launched in France, in November 2002, by entrepreneur Tawfik Mathlouthi, as a means of aiding Palestinians by tapping into demand for alternative products in European countries. He had been inspired by a similar Iranian product, Zam Zam Cola, which was already successful in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, and in fact only decided to launch his own brand when he was unable to agree on terms for a distribution contract with Zam Zam. Mecca-Cola in turn inspired the creation of Qibla Cola in the United Kingdom.



It is increasingly being observed with a degree of concern that all kinds of businesses are (mis-) using the name "Mecca". "Motor-Mecca" , "The Mecca Group", etc.

It should be respectfully pointed out to such persons that the use of the word "Mecca" to name their businesses is regarded as offensive to Muslims. A billion and a half Muslims, the world over, hold this holy city in the highest regard and veneration. To desecrate the name of this holy city by abusing it in this fashion is not acceptable.


On an international level, Muslims are offended by this practice. Recently, The British Rank Corporation which owns a chain of gambling and entertainment shops under the name of "Mecca", removed the name from its shop fronts as a result of protests from British Muslims. Muslims of Luton in the UK had protested against the defamatory use of the name of this holy city.

It must be noted, that Saudi Arabia had officially changed the spelling of the name of this city to "Makkah" a few years ago due to the derogatory usage of the word by the Western media and Western authors.

In most cases it is done out of ignorance, not deliberately. If pointed out politely but firmly, most companies respond favourably by changing the name.

Muslims should also be encouraged to adopt the proper spelling of Makkah, rather than the old, incorrect "mecca" version. Madinah should rather be spelt as Madinah rather than being spelt as "medina". Principals and educators of educational institutions such as Madrasahs, Islamic Schools, academies, Muslim writers, authors, researchers, scholars are to be encouraged to use the correct spelling.

Muslims have a duty to be vigilant and decisive in acting against anything that may be deemed sacrilegious, blasphemous or disrespectful to Islam or Muslims all over the world. Every town, city, province, country should have a dedicated and committed group of people to fulfil this important "watch-dog" role for the sake of the Ummah and Islam.

Mufti Zubair Bayat


http://www.albalagh .net/food_ for_thought/ Makkah.shtml

Makkah -- not "Mecca"

By Abu Atiyyah, South Africa

The holiest city for the Muslims is Makkah-tul-Mukarram ah. It is not "Mecca". Saudi Arabia had officially changed the spelling of the name of this city to "Makkah" a few years ago after realizing the derogatory usage of the word by the Western media and Western authors. And that is the way it should be. We do not like it if our own name is misspelled or mispronounced. How can we then allow it when the same is done to any of our most important icons?

Unfortunately many people, even some Muslims are still careless about it. It is increasingly being observed with a degree of concern that all kinds of businesses are (mis-)using the name "Mecca". "Motor-Mecca" , "The Mecca Group", etc. It should be respectfully pointed out to such persons that the usage of the word "Mecca" to name their businesses is offensive. A billion and a half Muslims the world over, hold this holy city in the highest regard and veneration. To desecrate the name of this holy city by abusing it in this fashion is not acceptable.

Recently, The British Rank Corporation, which owns a chain of gambling and entertainment shops under the name of "Mecca", removed the name from its shop fronts as a result of protests from British Muslims. Muslims of Luton in the UK had protested against the defamatory use of the name of this holy city.

In most cases it is done out of ignorance, not deliberately. If pointed out politely but firmly, most companies respond favorably by changing the name.

Muslims should also be encouraged to adopt the proper spelling of Makkah, rather than the old, incorrect "mecca" version. Madinah should rather be spelled as Madinah than being spelled as "medina". Principals and educators of educational institutions such as Madrasahs, Islamic Schools, academies, Muslim writers, authors, researchers, scholars are to be encouraged to use the correct spelling.

Muslims have a duty to be vigilant and decisive in acting against anything that may be deemed sacrilegious, blasphemous or disrespectful to Islam or Muslims, all over the world. Every town, city, province, country should have a dedicated and committed group of people to fulfil this important "watch-dog" role for the sake of the Ummah and Islam.

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