"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
No Of voices: 233
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Bismillah hir Rehman nir Raheem
ASA. Rehman Malik is a known Qadyani and not a hidden one. His wife is classmate of one of our colleagues and his brothers in laws are well known declared Qadyanis in Rawalpindi. They run Nasir Nursing Home in Rawalpindi. It is unfortunate that people with close ties with India, Israel and CIA have been infiltrated in our Ministry of Interior with devastating results and consequences. Musharraf Regime was widely infested by such people. So we are witnessing the death and destruction. The religion is a private matter but when it is exploited and used to gain illegal and unlawful power then it is no more private matter. In USA Zionists although less than 3% of the population have  controlled over 80% resources of the country. Bush and all USA Governments had been Zionists slaves and are committing worldwide wars and terrorism on behalf of Zionists. The situation is same for Brahmans in India who number about 3% and again control over 80% Indian media and resources. If you want to see the intensity of the sectarianism and racism practiced by a particular groups, just take the percentage of that group in high positions and divide that by their percentage in common population. The Sectarian Score for Zionists, Brahmans etc. etc. is over 25%. For non sectarian it should be around 1 and for those who are the victims of the sectarianism and racism it is in minus for example for untouchables and Muslims in India and Pakistan and Christians in USA, Europe and Russia. Russia is also completely controlled by Zionists and same is true for entire Europe.For Egypt it is declared policy of CIA that all key positions must go to Christians and if no suitable Christian is found then the position would go to a Muslim who is a Zionist agent for example member of Free Masons, Rotary or Lions Club. Butrus Butrus Gali of Egypt was actually a Jew (His mother and wife were Jew, In Judaism, religion is taken from mother side, although his father was a Christian.
All Muslims and particularly those who claim to establish Islamic way of life must protest against reverse discrimination and open violation of merit and honesty. Mush and Karamat should under go court martial for deceiving people about their religion and affiliations etc.
With Most Cordial Regards,
Dr. Anwar Ul Haque
 Reply:   Shaitan Malik
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (12/May/2008)

M r. Shaitan Malik had been in in te Income TAX Group and had worked under Major Aamir. He was extremely corrupt and full of deception. It is not surprising to be like that if you have sold out your religion and your Hereafter for a few bucks. He is a big drinker. Zaradari is his lap. Of course all Qadyanis will support him for obvious reason. I humbly request them to leave Qadyaniat before it is too late. In the Hereafter they must see their final abode i.e. Blistering and Blazing Hell Fire forever. Therefore I request them to protect themselves from that eternal abode and correct themsleves.

Following is excerpt from Anjum Niaz' article in Dawn

"Sadly, Benazir has opted for Rehman Malik, the former FIA chief who reported to General Babar when the latter was the interior minister. Malik rose to dizzying heights from a lowly grade 13 or 14 officer. Stories of Malik trying to worm his way through by bribing his seniors are still fresh in our minds. Come promotion time, he'd turn up at their homes with trays laden with designer suits. By golly, it worked! Today, he is Benazir's confidant-in- chief and sticks close to her. The first face we saw after Benazir descended the airplane sporting baby pink tie and kerchief and waving to the crowds with a cheesy smile was Rehman Malik."

Ibless and his Shaitani Churkha will be Insha Allah and Bee- Iznillah defeated and defeated badly despite they have such notorious Solid Waste (Fuzla) on their side. Munafiqeen and Kaafreen will be together in hell. However Munafiqeen will be in the lowest pit of hell fire. Musharraf and his commrades will be Insha Allah there while Sharon whose soul is deperately waiting for Musharraf's company toward and in the Line of Hell Fire, will be in the lowest pit while Sharon will be in slightly better position in eternal hell.

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