"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
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Taseer, PML-N, PML-Q and the People's Party

By Farrukh Khan Pitafi
Chaudhry Nisar of the PML-N has finally reacted to the appointment of the new governor. Unfortunately not only is it unimaginative but also not quite reflective of the ground realities. I mean how do you call a man, whose only crime is to be part of a caretaker set up, controversial? Sad, very sad. And suppose if he is considered by the PML-N as an ally of the presidency, my contention being that he is bigger than to be the toady of any one group, how would he be any bigger problem than Lt Gen (retired) Khalid Maqbool, the man who actively took part in the overthrow of Nawaz Sharif government in 1999? Mr Taseer is a liberal with a clear history of association with the People's Party.  He should be considered  just that. Being a successful businessman he has excellent management skills. His appointment is a substantial improvement upon what we had in the past. Why this bickering then? Allies do not speak in tones that we witnessed in Nawaz Sharif's interview yesterday or Chaudhry Nisar's press talk today.

Unfortunately the N-league committed a huge mistake in quitting the cabinet and by doing so gave the establishment a chance to exploit the vacuum created. Now it is moving closer to those advisers who have destroyed the political careers of the likes of Imran Khan. Perhaps the party believes that if it behaves in this way it will raise itself in the popularity graph. That might be true in the short term. But in the long run it should be remembered that the anti-incumbency mandate the PML-N is now crowing about was not restricted merely to the the judges' issue. It was regarding uncountable issues of common interest. PML-N and PPP together could steer the country patiently out of this mess. But if the PPP manages it on its own the N-league would lose in long term.

On the other hand there is movement in the presidential camp too. The President, it is plain, is trying his level best to effect a change at the PML-Q leadership level. Whatever the motives might be we should not forget that had Musharraf and the agencies their role the Chaudhries of Gujrat would never have risen to the top. So what's the fuss? And our intellectual class instead of making a martyr of them to understand the nature of change. I don't know about you guys but before the imposition of the martial law my main issue with Musharraf was that he was allowing his post as an army chief to be exploited by such opportunists. After being rejected miserably by the electorate these folks should have resigned already. If they are shown the door and someone like Chattha or Wattoo is given the post it will make a world of difference. Sorry folks if you expected the transition to be full of dramatic changes it is time you realize how change would materialize. We should not be so blinded by the hate of one person that we overlook our collective long term interest.
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