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A Tragic Anniversary 
59th Year of occupation of a sovereign nation of Jammu and Kashmir
Mushtaq A. Jeelani
Executive Director
Kashmiri-Canadian Council
27 October 2006
Today, Kashmiri-Canadians from coast-to-coast and Kashmiris all across the world are observing 59th anniversary of occupation of Kashmir as a "Black-Day." It was exactly fifty-nine years ago, on October 27th, 1947, when the Indian troops invaded and occupied a sovereign nation of Jammu and Kashmir by deception and fraud. The government of India proclaimed that her forces would help to restore normalcy in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and allow the people to exercise their right of self-determination in accordance with their freely expressed will, unhindered by any threat of internal disorder or external aggression.
Fraudulently, India did the exact opposite "“ those who have followed developments in Kashmir know that the ongoing struggle for freedom began in 1931 when the people came out in open revolt against the autocratic and tyrannical regime; they had nearly succeeded in over-throwing the regime when India stepped in to take its place in 1947 "“ throughout the past fifty-nine years, New Delhi has been persistently working in a highly sophisticated manner to strengthen its grip over the occupied area by means - fair and foul - unmindful of its constitutional commitment that the future of the state shall be determined by the people of Jammu and Kashmir in a UN sponsored plebiscite.
Since October 1989, the mass uprising has taken firm roots and the entire population is in revolt against alien rule. What started as a peaceful protest movement has worsened by the brutal and sustained oppression of the Indian occupation forces to silence each and every individual voice demanding implementation of the UN resolutions promising them the right of self-determination. It has resulted in crackdowns, house-to-house searches; rape; disappearance; arbitrary detentions; custodial killings; extra-judicial executions; politically motivated carnage; looting and plunder, and extended curbs on political activities.
The disputed region is the densest and the largest militarily occupied area of the world. During the past 17 years, 700,000 strong Indian troops have killed more than 98,000 Kashmiris; thousands have disappeared; torture has left thousands paralysed; thousands of young and old women have been raped; property worth hundreds of millions dollars has been destroyed and the suffering and devastation continues unabated. By making Kashmir a garrison area, India simply cannot hope to resolve the issue.
There is not a single family in Kashmir that has not experienced the cruel acts of the Indian occupation forces, which has sadly drawn no significant attention from the international community, including Canada. The fact remains that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are politically alienated and disaffected.
No self-respecting people can be expected to remain unmoved while their families and friends are being killed, tortured and gang raped, their houses burnt down, their businesses destroyed and humiliation of the worst kind heaped upon them through the instrument of state terrorism.
The Kashmiri people are yearning for peace and freedom; they want to live in dignity like other peoples of the world. However, they want a just and dignified peace that guarantees total freedom from foreign occupation and alien domination. A peaceful settlement based on justice and recognition of the right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to decide their own future can guarantee a lasting solution to this longstanding conflict and a durable peace in the region.
The fact of the matter is that systematic human rights abuses against civilians have further intensified since India and Pakistan signed the "Islamabad Agreement" in January 2004 on the sideline of the SAARC Summit. Over two-dozen innocent civilians are killed every week by the occupying troops to silence the people's demand for freedom, justice and respect for human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Moreover, last May during his visit to Srinagar, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made a promise to the people of the disputed region that there will be "zero tolerance" for human rights violations committed by the Army, paramilitary forces and border security police in Kashmir. Regrettably, the killing continues; the promise of "zero tolerance" did not end it "“ but intensified it.

Unfortunately, impunity has become a licence for the Indian occupation forces to wreak havoc with the lives of Kashmiris. No perpetrator has ever been prosecuted in a real manner, despite the fact that such crimes have been extensively documented by many international human rights organisations. The recently published 156-page report by a leading New York-based Human Rights Watch warns: "Kashmiris continue to live in constant fear because perpetrators of abuses are not punished"¦"
The over-hyped peace process and talks at the highest level are meaningless unless human rights violations ends and perpetrators operating under the cover of impunity are brought to justice. Mere polished statements of "zero tolerance" towards the human rights violations will not change the situation. The ground reality cannot be eluded by lustrous statements, but by tangible actions that the people of Kashmir are yet to witness.
Bilateralism has miserably failed to deliver a political settlement of the Kashmir imbroglio or peace between the rivals, because the Kashmir issue is not a territorial or bilateral dispute, it is about the future of the 15 million people, and it does not constitute an un-demarcated frontier between India and Pakistan which could be marked through bilateral negotiations between New Delhi and Islamabad. The disputed Jammu and Kashmir is inhabited by a people with their own history of independence, their own language and culture, their own individuality; it is not real estate, which can be parcelled out between the two nuclear-armed rivals.
The idea of "demilitarisation and self-governance as a final resolution" or "formalising the status quo and greater autonomy" is an exercise in futility. The Kashmiri people will never compromise their right of self-determination. Their struggle to achieve that right of self-determination will not be extinguished until India and Pakistan accept its exercise by the people of Jammu and Kashmir, through what the Security Council has called a "United Nations supervised plebiscite."
The right of self-determination, enshrined in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter, is the principle on which the whole system of international relations is based. It is the most basic collective right of all people and nations, and the indispensable foundation of all individual human rights.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights imposes specific obligations on all nations not only in relation to their own population but vis-à-vis all people, who have not been able to exercise, or have been deprived of the possibility of exercising their right to self-determination. It urges nations to take positive action to facilitate the realisation of, and respect for the right of people to self-determination.
The 1993 World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna, the 1994 Social Summit in Copenhagen, the Millennium Summit 2000 and the UN World Summit 2005 have all affirmed the right of all people to self-determination in situations of foreign occupation and alien domination.
In accordance with their obligations under the UN Charter and the International Covenants, the world community should play a positive role to enable the people of Jammu & Kashmir to exercise their right of self-determination and to end their suffering and deprivation.
Today, the unfortunate tragedy with Kashmir situation is that some "special interest groups" inside and outside Kashmir are vigorously advocating "self-rule" or "greater autonomy" as a final solution. Disregarding the unprecedented sacrifices and suffering experienced by the people against this volte-face in terms of death and destruction, life and property, torture and persecution, rape and repression over the years, particularly during the past 17 years, is much too great to go unrewarded. They have certainly not offered themselves for such destruction and tragedy, only to be driven back to square one. Thus whenever there is talk of "self-rule" or "greater autonomy" as a "final solution" it adds salt to an already open wound. But the large majority of people have rejected it and the ground reality is very encouraging as the people are determined to achieve freedom, therefore, the struggle is in full momentum and the demand for a UN supervised plebiscite is at an all-time high.
The conflict in Kashmir is a "political" and "human" tragedy, but the world community, including India and Pakistan, have overlooked this critically important human dimension of the issue. The Kashmiris' demand is simple and in accordance with the international law: the implementation of the United Nations resolutions for a plebiscite to determine the future status of the disputed region in a peaceful and democratic way. Whatever the outcome, it will be impartial and binding for all three parties "“ India, Pakistan and the people of Kashmir.

Informed and conscientious Canadians can play a vital role in the education process by interacting with parliamentarians and the media. In addition, concerned Canadians can write to the NGOs, and call or write to the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to voice their concern about ongoing human rights abuses in Indian-administered

The cause for which the people of Kashmir are struggling is a just one, and deserves support from all those who cherish justice and peace.
Thank you!
(The members and affiliates of the Kashmiri-Canadian Council (KCC) will observe 59th year of Indian occupation as a "Black Day," today, October 27th, 2006)
 Reply:   It is indeed a great tragedy t
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (30/Oct/2006)
It is indeed a great tragedy that a geographical area three times in size than the combined three countries of BENELUX and in population more than that of the country of Belgium (mnaquvi@yah
Dear Sir,
It is indeed a great tragedy that a geographical area three times in size than the combined three countries of BENELUX and in population more than that of the country of Belgium  does not have the right to determine its own political, economic and sociological future.
The late Shaikh Abdullah had envisaged an independent Kashmir on the lines of Switzerland long before the partition of the subcontinent materialized in 1947. But that was not to be.
India tried to swallow it whole by force. However, Pakistan's quick action not only saved a part of the area but also that action is reponsible for keeping the dispute alive all these years; otherwise the whole thing had become just another political fait accomplie.
There is a UN Resolution that asks for a refrendum so that the Kashmiri population can decide their own future. But India would not want to have any of that.
There was a possibility until 1965 that Pakistan would be able to free the part of KAshmir occuied by India. But at that time, when Pakistan tried to send in help to start an armed insurgency teh KAshmiris themselves shied away from  standing up to the effort. In taht effort Pakisatn suffered greatly.
Now that the Global political scene has changed so much and both India and Pakisatn have become nuclear powers, it is absolutely unthinkable that an armed confrontation will result in self-determination for the KAshmiri people. This insurgency that is going on in the Indian occupied Kashmir is really such a waste in terms of human life and resource. Had this insurgency taken place back in 1965, it might have succeeded -- but now, it is too little too late. 
The Siachin episode between India and Pakistan has brought the dispute to the attention of Global powers once again. But at the same time, it has showed Pakistan in a very bad light.
All indications are that a great majority of the  countries of the world are sympatehtic to India and no one has any consideration for the people of Kashmir.
Can you or the original author of the  article reflect on these points and express their opinion.
THank you.
Syed-Mohsin Naquvi

 Reply:   Kashmir Event at George Washin
Replied by(Ghost) Replied on (29/Oct/2006)
Washington , D.C. October 28, 2006. A wonderful event, "Kashmir: Future Approaches" was organized at George Washington University, Marvin Center by PSA George Washington University, PSA
Kashmir Event at George Washington University
Washington , D.C. October 28, 2006. A wonderful event, "Kashmir: Future Approaches"  was organized at George Washington University, Marvin Center by PSA George Washington University, PSA Georgetown University, Rising Leaders, PALC and Kashmiri American Council / Kashmir Center.  The speakers included Mr. Tahir Iqbal, Minister of Kashmir Affairs, Prof. William Baker, author of "Kashmir: Happy Valley, Valley of Death"; Prof. Angana Chatterji, Professor of California Institute of Integral Studies, Mr. Mohammad Aslam Khan, DCM, Embassy of Pakistan, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Executive Director, Kashmiri American Council / Kashmir Center, Ms. Hafsa Kanjwal and Sadia Sindhu, Georgetown University and Najm Haq of George Washington University.  The auditorium was full to the capacity with dozens listening patiently while standing for two and half hours. 
Mr. Zafar Iqbal, Minister of Kashmir Affairs said that the movement in Kashmir is not terrorism but a movement for independence of the people of Kashmir .  It is a movement of right of self-determination which was pledged to them by the United Nations.  Mr. Iqbal emphasized that the solution of Kashmir has to be reached by all parties, viz, India , Pakistan and more importantly the people of Kashmir .  He said that the United States can play a very vital role in resolving the issue of Kashmir .  Kashmir being a nuclear flash point deserves the attention of the international community.
Mr. Mohammad Aslam Khan, DCM said that there cannot be peace in occupied Kashmir because of the presence of 700,000 Indian military and paramilitary forces. Demilitarization, he said, will bring relief to the inhabitants of the State of Jammu and Kashmir .  He emphasized that Pakistan has not changed its principle stand on Kashmir .  However, she is ready to explore various options provided Kashmiris are also the part of the talks.
Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai said that the people of Kashmir endorse the CBM's initiated by the leadership of both India and Pakistan .  Because CBM's have played an important role in diffusing tension between hostile neighbors.  But the CBM's, Dr. Fai said, have also a problem  They can lend an appearance of normalcy to the situation in Kashmir .  He agreed with Mr. Kuldip Nayar, former Indian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom , who wrote that trappings of normality should not be mistaken for actual normality. True, the atmosphere is better than before. But this should not make us infer that we have found a solution to the Kashmir problem.  If this were so, the alienation in the valley would have largely disappeared. The army would have withdrawn its forces in a larger proportion.
Dr. Fai warned that we do not need to invoke principles because principles will not help us launch a peace process.  We have seen all too often how easily principles can be twisted and how the principles lend themselves to different interpretations.  But the principles that are involved in the Kashmir dispute cannot be and should not be ignored.  There are two: It is the inherent right of the people of Kashmir to decide their future according to their own free will and second principle is that it is impossible to ascertain that will except through a vote under impartial supervision and in conditions which are free from compulsion, intimidation and external coercion.
Dr. Fai reiterated that Kashmir is not and cannot be regarded as an integral part of India because under all international agreements, which were agreed by both India and Pakistan , negotiated by the United Nations, endorsed by the Security Council and accepted by the international community, Kashmir does not belong to any member state of the United Nations.  If that is true, then the claim that Kashmir is an integral part of India does not stand. 
Prof. Angana Chatterji said that over 500,000 Indian troops remain deployed in Jammu and Kashmir , including from paramilitary forces, federal armed forces, and Jammu and Kashmir Rifles. The army-civilian ratio in Kashmir is approximated at 5.5 million people, one soldier per 11 persons. There is an absence of transparency connected to decision-making processes utilized by the armed forces.  She emphasized that there is growing concern among civil society groups about human rights crises in Indian-occupied Kashmir in the areas of social, political, cultural, religious, and economic rights. The premise and structure of impunity connected to military rule and corresponding human rights abuses bear witness to the absence of accountability inherent to the continued occupation of (certain areas of) Kashmir by the Indian state.
Prof William Baker said that Kashmir today is locked in a death struggle for survival and the right of self-determination.  This historic Valley of beauty has become a Valley of death.  He said a country of thirteen million inhabitants face on a daily basis, the bullets and brutality of an occupation army of Indian soldiers.  One is hard pressed to discover any comparable contemporary conflict capable of possessing an equal amount of naked brutality, inhumanity and intolerance as that experienced by the Kashmiri people over the past fifty nine years under occupation.

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