"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
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High Treason
Pervaiz Musharraf has committed numerous crimes against Pakistan and people of Pakistan on 12th October 1999. CIA along with the hidden enemies in his cabinet and his principal secretary had joined hands to topple elected Prime Minister of Pakistan and his Government. So once again the writ of 14o million people had to be thrown away by those who were appointed to safeguard the geographical and ideological borders of the country which was created in the Laitlul Qadar on 27th Ramadan Ul Karim.  This time the enemy had more sinister plan to demolish the very basis on which Pakistan was created. To shale he very foundation of Pakistan on which Muhammad Ali Johar, Allama Iqbal and Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had erected a firm building. The enemies of humanities and SAM (Sub-Animal Materialism; See Preface) had planned to demolish the ideological frontiers and borders at the hands of the protectors of the geographical borders. Indeed the schism was superb! Quran-e-Majeed had reference to such plans and plots; if you see their schisms you may feel that those would mountains. But Allah All Mighty is the Best of Planners!
Kargil issue was created to make a very popular Prime Minister very unpopular. Poor Pakistani public did not know the facts. It was Musharraf & Co. initiated this war and got very badly defeated which also resulted in numerous precious lives of Pakistani soldiers due to very ill planning. Seeing the obvious defeat and shame Musharraf requested Nawaz Sharif to intervene which he did. Instead of thanking Nawaz Sharif, Musharraf started blaming Sharif for the defeat! The Pakistani media which is under the Zionist control by and large and which thrives on poor people money in the form of so called Government and Big corporate advertisement did not tell the truth. The graph of Nawaz Sharif went down. The CIA antennas were in the air and when it knew that there would be little support for Nawaz Sharif, plane hijack drama was carried out by raising false conflict between Nawaz Sharif and Musharraf on the issue of Tariq Pervaiz (TP), a cousin of Mr. Nadir Pervaiz. Nawaz Sharif was siding with Nadir Pervaiz on suggestions of Mr. Mushahid Hussain and Saeed Mehdi without realizing that these men were behind coup against him. Mr. Musharraf still had very cordial relations with Mr. Nadir Pervaiz and had attended the marriage ceremony of Nadir's son. Musharraf's own book is an open testimony against himself in which he admits that he had told that he would not tolerate his removal from the post! Instead of going to the court for any injustice done to him, Musharraf decided to break the constitution and military service rules and make entire Pakistan a hostage. Let me here quote on letter to the Editor in a local newspaper:
"Who broke the constitution?

President Musharraf in his book "˜In the line of fire' has provided the answer to people who say Mian Nawaz Sharif could have just retired Gen Musharraf without taking any drastic measures. Chapter 13, page 110 says "I had already conveyed an indirect warning to the Prime Minister through several intermediaries that I am no Jahangir Karamat. My predecessor had retired quietly and I did not want the Prime Minister to think he could violate the constitution so easily again". What is being said here is that the removal of the COAS had been and would again be a violation of the constitution. 
That is nonsense. The Prime Minister is well within his constitutional right removing any government servant from a tenured post. What could a Prime Minster do in face of this unvarnished ultimatum to his constitutional powers? Actually it was General Musharraf who was acting unconstitutionally by openly campaigning for an in-house change in the parliament. -KHURSHID ANWER, Lahore Cantt., via e-mail, September 30. (Dawn)
Let us clear here that Jahangir Karamat is a die hard Qadyani and had been illegally appointed as the Chief of army. He had committed gross corruption in tank purchase deal with Ukraine. Ideally he should have been punished through court. However Nawaz Sharif was aware of the illegal and unethical role of Army leaders  did not want to offend the army. He was wrongly portrayed in the media as if he is trying to capture army. In case of judiciary he was also painted wrong. When Nawaz Sharif tried to make justice swift and cheap, Justice Sajjad Hussain Shah rushed and left his Umrah in between to over throw Sharif through under hand deal with PPP. Mr. Aga Murtaz Poia and Iftikhar Jilani played key role in that attempt to over throw Nawaz Sharif. It was interesting to see how Sajjad Hussain while openly in war with Nawaz Sharif also became the justice as in any fight or conflict none of the warring members can become the justice! Jahangir Karamat is also a member of a so called think tank led by Zionists and with Indian members in Washington DC. In a meeting held in Lahore in a Hotel, Dawn's reporter reported the venomous propaganda and speech against Pakistan Nuclear Program by him. I wrote several letters to Dawn on this issue demanding immediate court martial of Jahangir Karamat but Dawn didn't publish my letters. Instead it published a picture of Musharraf and Jahangir hand in had in a certificate distribution ceremony. Later Musharraf's action against Mr. Abdul Qadeer Khan proved that he is also on the path of Mr. Jahangir Karamat.
The way Musharraf overthrew an elected Government, the way he became Chief Executive and then President etc. were all illegal and amounts to High Treason.
Please let me quote here Constitution of Pakistan:
Loyalty to the State is the basic duty of every citizen.
Obedience to the Constitution and law is the [4] [inviolable] obligation of every citizen wherever he may be and of every other person for the time being within Pakistan.
Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.
Any person aiding or abetting the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.
[5] [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) ] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.
No person shall be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law.
(1) No person who is arrested shall be detained in custody without being informed, as soon as may be, of the grounds for such arrest, nor shall he be denied the right to consult and be defended by a legal practitioner of his choice.
(2) Every person who is arrested and detained in custody shall be produced before a magistrate within a period of twenty-four hours of such arrest, excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to the court of the nearest magistrate, and no such person shall be detained in custody beyond the said period without the authority of a magistrate.
(1) Steps shall be taken to enable the Muslims of Pakistan, individually and collectively, to order their lives in accordance with the fundamental principles and basic concepts of Islam and to provide facilities whereby they may be enabled to understand the meaning of life according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
(2) The state shall endeavor, as respects the Muslims of Pakistan, :
(a) to make the teaching of the Holy Quran and Islamiat compulsory, to encourage and facilitate the learning of Arabic language and to secure correct and exact printing and publishing of the Holy Quran;
(b) to promote unity and the observance of the Islamic moral standards; and
Musharraf is obviously trying his best to do exactly the opposite as well as to support the enemies of Islam against good Muslims and Islamic values. He is thus rapidly moving in the direction of Hell Fire. Let me quote from the Holly Quran about such people:
I seek refuge of Allah from the Satan, the cursed one.
With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
"The guilty will be known by their marks, and will be taken by the forelocks and the feet.
Which is it, of powers of your Lord, which you will deny?
This is hell, which the guilty deny,
They go circling round between it and fierce, boiling water
Which is it, of powers of your Lord, which you will deny?"
(41-45: 55, Quran)
Musharraf has tried desperately legitimizing his rule and uniform. Mr. Najam Sethi Editor, Daily Times (October 13, 2004) says in his article :The Absurdity of Legitimizing Musharraf's Uniform "The government's position on the issue is that it does not need a Constitutional amendment to let its soldier-President to continue to wear two hats. It can do so through an act of Parliament (simple majority) by using the lacuna in Article 63 (1) (d).
In other words, the Opposition be damned since the government can rely on its own headcount. Smart, indeed. But what about Article 244 under which every member of the military has to take oath as set out in the Third Schedule to "uphold the Constitution" and not engage in any political activities?
Surely, General Musharraf also took the same oath. There is no doubt that the office of the President is a political office: the President is elected through a political process and his functions are all political.
Legally speaking, the government cannot use the peripheral Constitutional ruse of 63 (1) (d) to subvert the substantive article that governs the conduct of every member of the military."
"Yet, this whole exercise is not about legalities, as we have mentioned. The very act of making a coup subverts the Constitution. But when the apex court in the realm chooses to give it a legal cover on the basis of necessity, in other words accepting that force, having made law subservient to it, has acquired its own legality, the system's harmony is jeopardized.
Nonetheless, the Supreme Court being the highest organ of the judiciary is the ultimate battleground for a legal battle. The political parties and the politicians have repeatedly lost the legal battle there. Resultantly, the system has added so many layers of contradictions that recourse to legality has almost become a sham. This is the corollary of the original sin and the response to it by the courts."
Musharraf's action against Judiciary!
Mr. Musharraf has caused the greatest contempt of the court. He forced several honest judges illegally from their posts. He put military vehicles and blocked the gate of the house of Chief Justice Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui as he and several of his colleagues did not take oath on Musharraf's constitution which was in clear violation of the Constitution of Pakistan. These great judges who will be always respected and honored in the history of Pakistan, didn't buckle under military dictators' carrots and sticks and gave up their very high-status, prestigious and influential jobs. On the other hand all other judges came under pressure and took oath and later kept doing whatever Musharraf was dictating to them even in clear cut violation of constitution and the law. Main Opposition leader Mr. Javed Hashmi is kept under arrest for years and all attempts to get justice had failed.
Even fair and honest Americans have recognized the drama of Musharraf and had compared his acts with those of Mr. Bush. Please read the following reference from foreign sources: "In this sense, there is no difference between the acts of George Bush and Pervaiz Musharraf. Both pre-empted their actions and both of their actions were illegal and no matter, what the end result, the illegality of those actions cannot be denied. Musharraf acted illegally, when he staged the coup d' etat in 1999 and regardless of this good intention and all the good he has done since then, the prima facie act of the coup was illegal and nothing will change that. It makes no sense to suggest that one must break the law in order to uphold it and protect it. Just like it makes no sense to destroy the village in order to safe it. In the end, the law is broken and the village is destroyed."
Mr. Musharraf's actions and words are clearly in total violation of the constitution of Pakistan and without a shred of doubt he had committed a high treason. No hand picked so called Supreme Court which is actually under duress can justify all these acts. No "¦"¦ Zadahs can make these illegal and illegitimate acts and crimes legal.
 Reply:   Chief Justice of Pakistan conc
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (11/Nov/2006)
Chief Justice of Pakistan Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui who refused to take oath on Musharraf's illegal rule and was frocibly sent home agreed with what we wrote in the Line of Hell Fire Chapter 03

With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Assalamo Alaikum

Allaho Akbar.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui who refused to take oath on Musharraf's illegal rule and was frocibly sent home agreed with what we wrote in the Line of Hell Fire Chapter 03: High Treason. Please read below the copy and paste news from Dawn, Pakistan. You may want to read the book on www.pahtowiz. com. Truth will Insha Allah prevail and Bush Rummy, Blair and Mush  will Insha Allah all be put on trial and will be legally punihed an eye for an eye and life for life. Insha Allah Ta'lah.

Your brother in Islam;

Anwar Ul Haque

"˜Only Article 6 can check military interventions'

By Amir Wasim

ISLAMABAD, Nov 9: Former chief justice of Pakistan Justice (retired) Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui on Thursday said enforcement of each and every article of the Constitution, including Article 6, is imperative for the survival of democracy.

He was speaking at a seminar on "Transparency in elections "” essence of democracy," organised by the People's Party Parliamentarians (PPP).

In reply to a question from a participant during the question-answer session, the former chief justice said invoking Article 6, that declares the offence of abrogation of constitution as high treason, was the only solution to end military interventions.

Article 6 of the constitution states that "Any person who abrogates or attempts or conspires to abrogate, subverts or attempts or conspires to subvert the constitution by use of force or show of force or by other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason."

To another question whether Article 6 can be enforced in Pakistan, Mr Siddiqui said it was up to the people of Pakistan to see that every article of the constitution was fully enforced.

He also divulged on the role of judiciary in strengthening military rules and validating army takeovers. He cited the examples of Begum Nusrat Bhutto case and Syed Zafar Ali Shah case, in which the court not only legitimised the military takeovers but also allowed the army chiefs to amend the constitution.

Mr Siddiqui, who had been invited by the PPP as chief guest in recognition of his decision not to take oath under the PCO after the military takeover in 1999, said the demands of the opposition parties for the formation of a neutral caretaker setup, an independent election commission and return of exiled leadership to the country were justified and reasonable. He said Pakistan should get benefit from the experiences of Bangladesh and India to stop interference of non-democratic forces in the election process.

Referring to Gen Musharraf's meetings with the PML leaders in the presidency, he said such meetings by a serving army chief was a negation of the traditions of the high office.

He was of the view that except for the 1970 elections, all elections and referendums had been rejected by a majority of the people. He said Gen Musharraf in his book In the Line of Fire had himself admitted that irregularities were committed in the 2002 presidential referendum.

Speaking on the occasion, ARD chairman and PPP president Makhdoom Amin Fahim said the nation could not afford another controlled elections. He said Pakistan Army was necessary for the country for defence but a few generals were defaming the institution for their personal gains. He asked the judiciary to play its role to save the country. "Pakistan is not safe today. Pakistan needs attention of its people and judiciary. There is no mention of the law of necessity in the constitution," he said, adding: "the armed forces, as an institution, should also realise that military takeovers are not in the country's interest."

PPP Senator Sardar Latif Khosa, president LHC Bar Association Sardar Shaukat Hayat and president HRCP, NWFP chapter, Qazi Anwer also spoke.

 Reply:   donno these liars(they lied ei
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (31/Oct/2006)
donno these liars(they lied either current or previous rulars) personaly so cant accuse of being qadyani or else...(
donno these liars(they lied either current or previous rulars) personaly so cant accuse of being qadyani or else...
but one thing is sure and clear... which everyone can see... that this current gov. supported KAFIRS rather MUSLIMS, infact against MUSLIMS... which we been predicted and warned not to do so bfr acc to Quran and Hadeeth..... ...... they make excuse if we shouldnt do so Pakistan got down... this that bla bla....... pakistan?! is it heaven(jannah) !?!?! or u can make it so?!!? most of all why a muslim consider anything a 'super power'(like US) except ALLAH! and why rather giving exam wanna lavish life as these days PAK ARMY want?!?! many in my family served pak army so wanna clear that its not which pak army officers say 'ppl know nothing... just blaiming army etc etc' right now its the most courrupt institution. ... several army guys cheated me... given loss in name of business... one snatched a plot, made fake papers etc...

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