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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Haque
Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
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How Great Muslim Scientists Founded Science of Anesthesia!
Prof. (Dr.) Anwar Ul Haque
Diplomat American Board of Pathology
Fellow College of American Pathologists
Head Department of Pathology
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad Pakistan
During the era of so called dark ages in Europe, a glittering and booming civilization was prevailing in great Islamic world. The light of Quran-e-Majeed had opened up the eyes and minds of Muslims. They had developed utmost love for education, research and extremely dedicated hard work. Great Muslim rulers like Haroon Rahsid, Mamoon Rashid and Mehmood Ghaznawi patronized the education and science to unparalleled examples. Seeking knowledge, doing original research and performing laboratory experiments was the order of the day. The rulers enjoyed the company of the genuine scholars and they funded all their research projects with keen interest and provided valuable manpower and other resources.
Soon Muslim scientists founded the discipline of "Laboratory Sciences" and built hospitals. Khalifa Walid founded the first ever hospital while Haroon Rashid laid the foundation of second hospital and then there were chains of high quality, highly disciplined hospitals. When there were 100 hospitals alone in the city of Qurtubah (Cordoba) there were none in the entire Europe which took 300 years to make first hospital in Paris. Each hospital was built where the environment was pure and with least chance of infections. Each hospital carried a botanical garden to get herbal medicines and to carry out research. Muslim physicians like Ibn-e-Sina and Razi experimented on numerous drugs. Ibn-e-Sina compiled a very valuable pharmacopeias containing over 700 drugs. He described their therapeutic as well as toxic doses. Khalifa of Baghdad used to issue the Medical licenses to the qualified physicians. Autopsies were performed on apes as Great Muslim Surgeon and truly father of Surgery Qasim Az Zahrawi had clearly warned that no surgeons should put his knife at any place without first knowing about the underlying arteries, veins and nerves. Muslims had developed proper faculty system and gave appointments to the qualified and competent physicians disregarding their religion or origin; a fact well admitted by the prominent Jewish physicians of today!   The Muslim hospitals had isolation wards and Muslim Surgeons were performing surgeries using cat gut and other sutures using proper aseptic techniques under local and systemic inhalation anesthesia.
Several different anesthetic agents had been discovered. Clean, painless and complication surgeries were the hall mark of Muslim Surgeons which attracted dignitaries from all of over Europe to the Muslim Hospitals. Ibn-e-Sina's "Al-Qanoon fit Tib" and Abul Qasim Zahrawi's "At-Tasreef" remained standard text book of medicine and standardtext book of surgery for next 700 years in the medical schools of Europe.
Nervous system anatomy knowledge acquired by Muslim physicians enabled them to know its physiology represented by its excitability and its conductibility, and to understand pain physiology. Ibn-e-Sina described anesthetic drugs and their side effects. Among these anesthetic means there were opium and ice. He distinguished organic pain and psychogenic pain. He used sedative and analgesic and soporific drugs in treatment of some psychological diseases as melancholia. Muslim physicians were the first to use cold water to treat superficial burns. Anesthesia which lead to deep sleep to facilitate surgical operations by oral, nasal( inhalation) and rectal route were well described by Ibn-e-Sina who indicated dosage to achieve three or four hour anesthesia which was necessary in an amputation surgery.
1)    History of the Arabs by Philp K. Hitti (Palgrave, Macmillan)
2)   Great Books of Islamic Civilization by N. A. Balouch Pakistan Hijra Council
3)  Islam and Evolution of Science by Muhammad Saud, Islamic research Institute
4)  Muslim Scientists and Scholars by Pharm Evo (pVT) Ltd
5)   The Muslim Scientists by Muhammad Yasin Owadally A. S. Noordeen Baltimore Maryland, USA
6)  [Anesthesia and resuscitation in Arabo-Islamic medicine: analytic study through Ibn Sina]  [Article in Arabic] Ben Rejeb A, Mamissi N.
 Reply:   If you do not read my references what can I do
Replied by(Haque) Replied on (15/Nov/2009)

You are so biased that you all calling all Muslims "womanizers" ! Just have a look at Israel, India, USA, Europe and Russia etc. You will find Muslims are the least womanizers. But you can see this only if you are alive and you have eyes to see. Dead bodies and Blinds can not see.
 Reply:   Even the word Ether is derived
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (30/Oct/2006)
Even the word Ether is derived form word Arabic word Ehser. If naives do not know what can be done (
With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Comapssionate
Mr. Hindu:
If some naive people did not know that even the word ether (Esher) is an Arabic word. There are thousnads and thousands of references. Insha Allah I will keep posting you such mails with full references so that if you do not like truth you may keep burning. But if you like truth, may Allah guide you. Many Arabs wer also pagan at one time but Allah guided them so He may guid you to Islam. My own ancestors manymany years ago were Musrik like you but Allah guided them to Islam. I pray for the people who took pain and gave them message of Islam whcih is the eternal and one and only true religion sent by our Creatro and Sustainer. Thosw who take partners with Him are doing a grave injustice to Him without any justifiaction whatsoever.

 Reply:   Muslim Scientists Founded Anes
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (30/Oct/2006)
Muslim Scientists Founded Anesthesia!? Challenge to this writer (

Once again lies, lies and lies. False claims on someone else's achievement. That has been the hallmark of Islamists who refuse to come out of 6th century time zone of Saudi Arabia. This quack doctor Anwer Huque has claimed in the past too other scientific achievements  by Muslims which I proved to be fake and he had no answer to my posts. I once again prove below his hoax. He should know Arabs/Islamists are basically pirates and womanizer. No innovative creation can be expected of them. Anaesthesia has nothing to with the discovery by Muslims. It was first discovered by Americans.

1842 March 30: On this date, Dr. Crawford W. Long--using sulphuric ether--gave the first anesthetic for a surgical procedure--the removal of a tumor on the neck of James Venable in Jefferson, Georgia. This event is the first known administration of a gas for surgical pain relief. Long did not publish an account until 1849. For much of the one hundred and sixty-one years since the first anesthetic, Crawford W. Long received little recognition for his accomplishment. In the past two decades some credit has at last been granted for Dr.  Long's  role in introducing this important innovation in medicine. Doctor's Day--March 30-- is one tangible and important symbol of the restoration of Dr. Long to his rightful place in history.
1845 March 12: Francis Rynd first introduces fluids into the body by subcutaneous injections using a hypodermic syringe.
1847 March: French physiologist Marie Jean Pierre Flourens [1794-1867] determined that inhalation of chloroform caused the same temporary state in animals as did ether. Flourens is best known for proving that the respiratory center is in the medulla and the function of the cerebellum in muscular coordination; he also studied bone formation. He was a professor at the Collège de France for many years. In November 1847 Scottish physician James Young Simpson demonstrated the anesthetic properties of chloroform in humans. 
1847 March 11:  Less than six months after William Morton's demonstration of ether anesthesia in Boston, the first ether anesthetic is administered in Latin America. Dr. Vincente Antonio de Castro, a surgeon at the Hospital San Juan de Dios in Havana, Cuba, performs a successful bilateral hydrocele on the anesthetized patient. 
1852 March 26:  "On this day  Dr. William Mallett of Fayetteville, North Carolina,  performed one of the first Cesarean sections in the southern United States where the mother survived. In most instances, the mother generally died of shock as a result of the surgery. Dr. Mallett performed the operation on a 17-year-old woman without the use of anesthesia. The mother had refused the use of chloroform and ether for religious reasons. Her child did not survive." Dr. Mallett, born in 1819, died in 1889

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