"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: nrqazi
Full Name: Naeem Qazi
User since: 25/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 390
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Dear All
In last one month or so, I have received scores of emails on subjects listed above.
This is how I see it.
I don't know whether Benjamin Franklin actually stereotyped all Jews in that alleged write up or not, but if he did I won't agree with that. & neither should any of us. Since this is exactly what is being labelled on us 'Muslims' these days. Just as we have extremists, moderates, secular minded, so do they have. One cannot label a whole religion's practitioners full of hatred, full of animosity, full of vengeance.....I'm sure that even within the Israel there must be a significant section of population who would be peace loving, and would be knowing in their hearts that occupying a foreign land is illegitimate. Just as I am sure that all Iranians do not want destruction of all civilians, women, children, old, young, infants etc. of all Israel and so am I sure that all Americans or all western nations are not hell bent on some anti-Muslim agenda. So what is this happening then? How did we get here?
Well its just business. Nobody is out to undermine Muslims, nobody is out to feed us products made of pig fat or whatever and is hiding them under bar codes; Saudis are not deliberately getting Palestinians killed and neither are Egyptians deliberately closing their borders to make Gaza an open air prison where Israeli war planes can have a free air to ground target practice. Lets face it, everyone is looking after their own interest. By the simple push & pull of market forces, we the Muslims are losing out on every front. We have no one else to blame but ourselves. Another question that keeps repeating is why isn't God Almighty helping us believers? Without getting into debate of whether we are true believers or not, I would say that God Almighty has already granted the Arab nations oil wealth. The other day I heard that some Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mansour is willing to pay 107 million GBPs for transfer of Brazilian footballer and will pay him 500,000 pounds a week. I also read another piece of news that a son of Col Qaddafi had allegedly paid Mariah Carey a million dollars for singing four songs at a private concert on his beach resort. Stories of BMWs, Audis, Mercs, aeroplanes etc. made of gold, silver or sprinkled with diamonds routinely keep coming.
WHY CAN'T ALL THAT MONEY BE DIRECTED TOWARDS DEVELOPING WORLD CLASS UNIVERSITIES? Why can't they be world leaders in science & technology? The kind of money that God Almighty has granted them, they can build whole industrial infrastructure and its sub-vendors to indigenously produce each and every ball-bearing. But they opt to send their selected few to western universities, and import everything they need.
Once I was in government service, a gentleman whom I used to trust a lot, had promised me (or at least that's what I thought he did) that the day I take early retirement, I can come and join his organization. However, as luck would have it, his partner/ best mate did not like me there. So he kept beating around the subject, even gave me interest free loan to start some contract business, all from his personal pocket BUT DID NOT TAKE ME ON PAYROLL OF HIS ORGANIZATION. WHY? well it did not suit his business; he had to choose between getting me onboard and keeping his partner happy; and obviously keeping his partner happy made more business sense.
Neither is this petty example an empirical formula for international politics, nor am trying to get some personal vendetta out; if we integrate this example a million times, all things will become clear. It obviously makes more business sense for America to keep Israel an ally in middle east and to support all its rights and wrongs  just as it makes more business sense for KSA to guard its own interests vis-à-vis American arms and training than becoming the ring leader for anti-American rogue states. (I am obviously discussing just the secular aspect of this and not denying the ayah of Quraan about Yahud and Nasarah or for that matter that if KSA were to support the Muslim's causes God Almighty will automatically help them out). I also believe in these as an honest Muslim. Someone very recently asked a question 'what is the meaning of shame in international politics?'; well I would like to add another word non-existent in international politics which is 'fair'; Well, like it or not these words are not used in international politics or even in something as small as office politics. As they say, "sometimes in this business, the best way forward is not necessarily the right one" AND WHAT THEY ACTUALLY MEAN IS THAT ITS IS MOSTLY THE CASE. Apply this to someone winning the coveted post of MessSecy or even PMC, or someone becoming incharge of a GE shop or telephone exchange; all his or her righteousness changes overnight. Its all about you scratch my back, I scratch yours. Egyptians had thrown out Russian military advisors on 24 hours notice a few years back. They have since won many favours from US. They have stopped risking their borders for Palestinians sake. They just got their occupied territory freed, got a deal for tourism business at Sharam-al-sheikh and they were well away from the so called Palestinian cause.
And the irony of this is Arabs have no one else to blame than themselves for Palestinian problem or for that matter occupation of Al Quds. They had themselves rebelled against Turkish garrisons and had agreed for Jews being 'granted this land' in return for their own fiefdoms. There was never a country or land known as Jordan. This area was also part of Palestine and was referred to as area west of river Jordan. The head of Hashmites tribe agreed to allow Jews to occupy part of Palestine in return for he himself occupying some of the other half.
As much as our hearts bleed on seeing the Muslims being massacred world over, lets face it that Iqbal had forecast it many years ago:
ھے جرم ضعیفی کی سزا مرگ مفاجات
So someone please lift the veil from this secret and tell Sheikh Mansour and his likes to invest on science and technology and on universities so that we become self sufficient in equivalents of F-15s & 16s and aircraft carriers and  submarines and exocet missiles and space shuttles and satellites; let the Muslims be world leaders on latest researches, let the Muslim athletes say Bismillah and make world records at Olympics...but till that happens, I am sorry to say that beggars can't choosers.
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