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User Name: aghappp
Full Name: Agha Tanveer
User since: 6/Jun/2007
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President Asif Ali Zardari says Jalib was a tower of strength for democracy

Present a cheque of one million rupees to Jalib’s family


Islamabad March 18, 2009: President Asif Ali Zardari has said that Habib Jalib will always be remembered for his heroic struggle for democracy, human rights and against tyrannical dictatorship through his easy to understand and awami style of poetry.


“Jalib is our national asset whose name stands out among those men of letters who employed the power of pen and poetry to take head on the dictatorship. His poetry mesmerised the people into braving all odds and come out in the streets against dictatorship.


He said this toady after presenting a cheque of one million rupees to Tahira Habib Jalib the daughter of late Habib Jalib in the Presidency today for the treatment of the widow of Habib Jalib who is unwell and undergoing treatment in a hospital in Lahore . The President also said that that expenses on treatment of the widow of Habib Jalib would be borne by the government. In addition the President said that he would recommend to the government to give job to at least one member of the Jalib family.


Talking to Tahira the President said people have often wondered as to what lent such power to Jalib’s poetry. The greatest reason for the profound impact of his poetry, apart from simple rendition, has been that Jalib never hankered after wealth and material possession. He preferred to live the life of destitute rather than seek riches at the expense of his convictions. That is the reason why his words carried such conviction. Truly Jalib stands out as one of the most illustrious sons of the nation, he said.


He said that today we need to remember illustrious sons of the soil like Habib Jalib, who served as towers of strength for democracy and human rights, and imbibe their message to guide and inspire the younger generation into fighting for their democratic rights.


Habib Jalib was a man of extraordinary courage and conviction. He willingly underwent the rigours of prison, torture and deprivation for the sake of his convictions, the President said.


Tahira Habib Jalib thanked the President for his gesture.


She also recalled the relationship of mutual respect and admiration between Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and her late father and said that the family was grateful to her for her kindness, support and admiration.


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