"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Salam Everyone...

Hope everyone is just fine and watching pakistan`s Miserable condition with sad and tearful eyes.
I was just watching ATV at around 1.30am. Normally i dont watch TV. I saw a lady came and was doing Excercise in quite tight trouser and T-shirt.

I feel really sad, coz I am a Muslim and this is not paki or Muslim culture. Infact we were introduced by Gen rtd Musharraf to Enlightened Moderation and this is just a start. 
Do u People think This Program is Okay according to Muslim culture ?
Why we dont afraid from Allah ??

Can We raise Voice against It ???

 Reply:   Pakistani media's only goal is to make money
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (10/Jun/2009)

they expose more to get more audience so they will get more revenue.
They show only the news in the way, which will help their masters.
they don't have any national agenda, they don't have any religion. They are only money hungry nothing less then that.
We can raise our voice, but nothing will going to happen, more then this is on display on other channels. DAWN/ARY/GEO are even debating homo-sexuality on the TV and showing gays/lesbians also.
But we should keep our voice loud and clear, so at least they will always know, that there are still few left, who still love their religion/country and culture.
Please send your suggestion/submission to
Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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