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User Name: nrqazi
Full Name: Naeem Qazi
User since: 25/Nov/2007
No Of voices: 390
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Hamid Mir all set to leave Pakistan – Will lead International campaign against ISI

In his latest exclusive interview to BBC, Senior Geo Anchorperson Hamid Mir has substantiated PKKH’s findings about his plans to leave Pakistan in an arrangement being made by Asif Zardari on Washington orders. Defiant Mir has yet again blamed an ‘ISI’ within an ‘ISI’, yet again confirming our report which claimed the growing US demands to curb the activities of the Inter Services Intelligence.
Geo News, Hamid Mir, ISI, Asif  Ali Zardari, Geo Network,

PKKH was informed yesterday that Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, former Pakistani president, approached Mr. Mir on the pretense of health inquiry. Through Mr. Zardari, Hamid Mir has been promised extensive foreign media support for campaigning against a particular section of ISI, which the source requested not to make public on the condition of anonymity. In return Mr. Mir along with his family will be whisked out of Pakistan and re settled in West.

Talking to BBC correspondent today , Mr. Mir said that ‘an ISI within an ISI’ is mobilising a mass protest of proscribed outfits to protest in the favour of intelligence agency and raise their voice against him.

Before publishing this report, PKKH reconfirmed whether Mr. Hamid Mir was alluding to the same section within the ISI which PKKH mentioned in its initial report yesterday. The source linked with establishment affirmed PKKH inquiry and asserted that this section is playing a vital role in warding off severe external security threats faced by Pakistan.

The history resounds with the harrowing narratives in which mighty empires were brought down by traitors. An embattled Pakistan confronting the menace of terrorism due to the internal fault lines cannot afford to coddle one at this crucial juncture.

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