Hanging Bridge in Pakistan

Our women, or more correctly, the 3 women are completely fearless
No denying the fact, woman is considered to be weaker than man and this notion is very much heard in almost each and every country including Kuwait where I am residing since 1978 or Pakistan where my parents migrated in September, 1947 or even India, for that matter, where I was born in 1943 but having said so I am too proud to show you a photo of our 3 women who are crossing a bridge which is more a death trap than a bridge to be honest.
Doesn’t the photo itself speaks out aloud and transmits a message for all of us telling that some people do inhabit in the area even though the place is nothing but looks to be a chain of rugged mountains? Isn’t it a matter of interest if not concern for us to find out as to how the people living there must be commuting from their houses to markets to buy the daily eatables if nothing else? How come none of our governments whether elected or selected did not think of constructing a bridge for the local residents?
If we just look at the bridge, one really shudders and trembles from head to toe, if one is asked to cross over to the other end and, in most of the cases, I am pretty sure without slightest doubt that the people will prefer not to embark upon such a venture risking their lives. However, on one hand I really feel pity for the poor dwellers to live under constant threatening conditions right from birth to death but on the other hand, I simply cannot hold back myself praising the women who have not only changed the very definition and conception of a lady but have also practically proved that it is not the gender but the determination and will power of the individual which matters the most.
Is there any chance, even remotest, to construct a regular bridge in next decade if not next year to ease their untold ordeal or they are just ignored forever, is my last question for all those who are empowered to bring smile on the faces of the people? Incidentally, the place can very easily and profitably be converted into a tourist spot both for foreigners and nationals to generate quite handsome money for the country. I salute our these unflinching, daunted and valorous ladies who have rightly proved to the world that our womenfolk is not timid from any angle.
With my honest and solemn prayer
Sincere Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Former Diplomat / Kuwait