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User Name: Yousafzai
Full Name: Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai
User since: 20/Apr/2008
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Service Tribunal KPK summoned Section Officer of Regulation Wing of Finance Department KPK


            The Finance Department Government of KPK issued a notification on 11-8-1991 in which among other matters Advance Increments were sanctioned for possessing/ acquiring higher qualification for the Government Servant from BPS-1 to BPS-15 but the teachers were kept deprived of the benefits this notification.

            Some of the Secondary Teachers put the matter before the Service Tribunal in the past but their appeals were rejected so they went to the Supreme Court in appeal. The Supreme Court declared them entitled to the advance increments.

            There was no one at the Primary Schools level to challenge it. I submitted departmental appeal which was ignored so I went to the Service Tribunal KPK. The Government submitted the reply to which I submitted rejoinder. Then I submitted written arguments along with verbal arguments for the substantiation of my point view. The Chairman Service Tribunal showed satisfaction to my interpretation of the notification. I had also submitted before that my main grievance is against the Finance Department which has not submitted separate/exclusive reply to the Tribunal which may show convincing arguments against my arguments.

            On 15-12-2011, the Chairman Service Tribunal once again analyzed each document including the notification and a Judgment of the Supreme Court and read aloud the whole Judgment of the Supreme Court. He also reminded me the arguments which I had submitted before on previous hearings. According to which when the prescribed qualification for the post is Matric, then 2 increments on F.A, 4 on B.A. and 6 on M.A. thus when a person serving on a post for which the prescribed qualification is Matric, he is entitled to 12 increments on acquiring higher qualification of M.A. He said that he was well satisfied of the interpretation. Then he turned his face to the Government Pleader and said that on perusal of the reply to the written arguments of the appellant no convincing rebuttal is available from the respondents’ side.

            At one stage of the hearing, the asked me a question of general nature, “Have you calculated the amount which you would receive as arrears of the Advance Increments? The Government has no money to give such huge amounts to each deserved teacher”. I replied that when the Chief Minister and Governor use FX cars for their traveling and two-rooms house for the residence and when the sanctioned amount for the addition and alteration in the kitchen in the President is given to the Government KPK and when the KPK Government stop sanctioning millions and billions for minor matters and the funds are diverted to the deserved teachers then no teacher of KPK would have any grievance against the Government and would go to any Court. A person whose income is Rs. 10 and he spends Rs. 20 how he would manage the situation? He should spend Rs. 2 and save Rs. 8 for the bad time. On this the Chairman replied in the open Court that this Court fully endorsed my point view on this matter and fully respect my these sentiments.

            Then he adjourned the hearing to the next date and ordered for the issuing summons to the Section Officer SR-1 of the Finance Department.


Manzoor Ahmad Yousafzai

Friday, December 16, 2011.
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