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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
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Guard of Honour Protocol

The PM Raja Pervez Ashraf was shown on the TV reviewing a guard of honour parade on arrival at the Vientiane airport – capital of Laos – where he has gone to attend the 9th ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting).  However, what caught my attention was that his lady wife was also walking alongside him on parade as if she was also entitled to the guard of honour. I am not very sure, but is it a practice for the lady wives of other countries also to review the parade along with their husbands?  As a matter of fact, would the wife even stand alongside her husband on the saluting dais to receive the General Salute and from where the visiting dignitary starts walking along with the ‘sword holding’ guard commander and piloted by two scouts in the front to review the guard of honour parade? 


Could someone more knowledgeable about such protocols comment upon it please?


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

 Reply:   PM must be taught before sending overseas by Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
Replied by(Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi) Replied on (7/Nov/2012)
PM Raja Pervez Ashraf has gone to attend ASEM in Laos which is quite but natural but how come neither Pakistan taught him what to do in a foreign land when he goes on official tour nor he has the brai

PM must be taught before sending overseas


PM Raja Pervez Ashraf has gone to attend ASEM in Laos which is quite but natural but how come neither Pakistan taught him what to do in a foreign land when he goes on official tour nor he has the brain to understand the simplest rule. He was received at Vientiane international airport where he inspected guard of honor but my goodness  I wonder why he has not been pulled off right from airport back to Pakistan to face at least an inquiry if not termination on two different counts. 1st he should not have taken his wife with him to inspect guard of honour which is only for the official VIP and not his / her spouse. Secondly PM should have been on left near to the soldiers presenting guard of honor but in photo one can see that his  wife is near to the khaki while he was on right to his wife. Incidentally if the host is accompanying the guest then the guest o of honor will be next to khaki and the host will be on the right of the visiting guest.


What punishment does he deserve unless PPP decorates him with HP on his return from Laos?


Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait
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