"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Abisafyan
Full Name: Marwan
User since: 18/Oct/2006
No Of voices: 4
Islam, its Antiquity & Integrity
Views:2712 Replies:0
Pakistan·s Prime Monster?
Views:2615 Replies:0
The Blind Mind
Views:2335 Replies:0
They can·t live who can·t die!!!
Views:2267 Replies:3

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The Blind Mind

One of the strange misnomers, our Royal Clerics have been proliferating is the noun: ?loti? viz sodomite - and the verb: ?lowatat? viz sodomy for a very disgusting offence viz unnatural lust. The problem is that almost all of the clerics (I don?t mean scholars) have been using the abovementioned verb: ?lowatat? and noun: ?loti? for the evil most inhuman offence of sodomy and its offender respectively. This is grossly sacrilegious and blasphemous. They have derived both these abhorrent words i.e. ?loti? & ?lowatat? from the name of Holy Prophet, Lot (or Lut) PBUH - whereas in fact this magnificent Prophet, Lot PBUH was the Great and Glorious Persona who fought against this heinous and odious offence in the ancient city of Sodom. All the learned people use the word ?sodomy? or ?unnatural offence? for the repugnant offence of unnatural lust, in English. Similarly in Urdu the term ?aamal qum-e-Lot? or ?aamal khilaf wazaa fithri? have been in the use for the abovementioned nauseating offence. Actually the words; ?sodomy? and ?sodomite? have been derived from the very notorious area, Sodom, which was an ancient city near the Dead Sea - and people whereof were destroyed by the Allah Almighty for the perverted & unnatural sexual lust. And the Holy Prophet, Lot PBUH and members of His Muslim family (with exception of his wife) survived that Divine retribution, given His defiant character against the revolting menace. Allah almighty says in the Holy Qur?an: ?LO! WE SENT A STORM OF STONES UPON THEM (ALL) SAVE THE FAMILY OF LOT, WHOM WE RESCUED IN THE LAST WATCH OF THE NIGHT?. (Surah Al-Qamar: 54-34). The correct and proper word in Urdu for the abovementioned abhorrent offence & offender should be ?sadoomat? & ?sadoomi? respectively - I therefore request respectfully all and sundry that the above mention heinous offence must be termed as such. And to get rid of the blasphemous misnomer; ?loti? and ?lowatat? once for all.
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