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User Name: Raja_Muhammad_Khan
Full Name: Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
User since: 16/Feb/2010
No Of voices: 97
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Sequel to Wikileaks by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan Created On: 5/Dec/2010 Views: 2195 Replies: 0 
The recent revelations of the Wikileaks have literally shaken the global leadership to their entirety. They would have never expected that the rest of the world would know whatever they shared with even with their most confidential people. The revelations also opened the secrets of many strong governments including US and Britain. A considerable number of documents of the leaks are regarding the M Click here to read Full Article

Negotiations with Taliban: the Only Option by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 23/Oct/2010 Views:1835 Replies:0 
In order to end the prolonged Afghan war, secret talks have been going on between Karazai Government and Taliban, while making use of formal and informal channels. Recently, President Karazai himself confirmed these contacts. He said in an interview that, “We have been talking to the Taliban as countryman to countryman, and ---not as a regular official contact with the Taliban with a fixed address Click here to read Full Article
Obama’s Asian Tour: Some Ground Realities by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 23/Oct/2010 Views:1569 Replies:0 
In a White House statement issued on October 20, 2010, it was clarified that, “President (Obama) -----would not be stopping in Pakistan during his trip to Asia next month, and committing to visiting Pakistan in 2011.” President Obama is schedule to visit four Asian countries; India, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia in November this year. The visit was scheduled in May 2010, and Pakistan was not pa Click here to read Full Article
Shifting the Mess of Afghan War by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 10/Oct/2010 Views:1976 Replies:0 
In the pursuance for the practical implementation of its ‘pre-emption theory’, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had warned in the beginning of September 2010, for al-Qaeda’s attack in Europe in the month of November. The main emphasis of the CIA warning was that al-Qaeda is regrouping in the North Waziristan Agency and some other areas of FATA in Pakistan for carrying out simultaneous atta Click here to read Full Article
Capitalizing on to the Gwadar Port by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 10/Oct/2010 Views:4362 Replies:0 
Gwadar, the strategically significant port of Pakistan is situated at the mouth of Persian Gulf, in the proximity of the Straits of Hormuz. Since the major shipping route connecting three main continents; Asia, Africa, and Europe are passing from its vicinity, therefore, it has attained the status of a key strategic and commercial port. Over sixty percent of global trade and transportation of oil Click here to read Full Article
Kashmir: Would the Sense Prevail? by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 2/Oct/2010 Views:2097 Replies:0 
According to Soutik Biswas, the BBC correspondent, the “perpetual humiliation by the (Indian) security forces has left people angry, alienated, and distrustful of the state .” Indeed, Indian security forces have beaten the global records of human rights violations. In the last few months, Indian security forces killed over 150 innocent Kashmiri youth, demonstrating against the Indian brutalities, Click here to read Full Article
The Desperate Indian Efforts to Hold Kashmir by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 19/Sep/2010 Views:2219 Replies:0 
The crucial all parties meeting held under chairmanship of Indian Premier Dr. Manmohan Singh on September 15, 2010, ended in New Delhi without making any headway to lessen the fury of Kashmiri protestors. Indeed, Dr. Singh already knew the severity of the situation and had the feedback from various political parties, religious groups, and state machinery. Over and above, he had the authentic feedb Click here to read Full Article
Armed Forces and Spirit National Service by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 17/Sep/2010 Views:2034 Replies:0 
Ranked seventh in the world by means of active troops, the Armed Forces of Pakistan are a unified military force, primarily comprises of; Pak Army, Pak Navy and Pakistan Air Force. Paramilitary forces, Coast Guard and Strategic forces are supplementary bodies to the basic structure of the armed forces. Over the years, Pakistan Army has been the largest force contributor for peacekeeping operations Click here to read Full Article
Interfaith Harmony: the Need of Hour by Dr Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 5/Sep/2010 Views:2297 Replies:1 
According to a CNN report, a nondenominational church in Gainesville, Florida, is planning to host an “International Burn a Quran Day” on September 11, 2010. As per ‘The Dove World Outreach Centre,’ this malevolent event is planned to venerate the victims of the tragic incident of 9/11. The event would be the beginning of a formal campaign against the Muslims and Islam. The handful of people of Ch Click here to read Full Article
Let us End the Media Trial over Match Fixing by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 5/Sep/2010 Views:4315 Replies:1 
In the world of sports, match fixing has a history, originating from the ancient city-states. During the primitive Olympics, athletes used to accept bribes for losing the matches in spite of the fact that they used to be under the oath to protect the integrity of that specific sports event, the respect of team itself, and their countries. The players and other people associated with the act punish Click here to read Full Article
The Real Kashmiri Voice by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 29/Aug/2010 Views:1550 Replies:0 
In his recent article entitled as ‘A Different Voice in Kashmir’, the former ambassador, writer and eminent Indian scholar, Kuldip Nayar, has pointed out that, situation Kashmir has changed altogether, and Kashmiri youth of post 1990, has taken over the charge of the renewed uprisings. Two aspects could be observed as quite obvious throughout during this new phase of uprisings; “one, there is no Click here to read Full Article

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