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User Name: Raja_Muhammad_Khan
Full Name: Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
User since: 16/Feb/2010
No Of voices: 97
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Historical Perspective of the Middle East by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan Created On: 15/Mar/2011 Views: 2436 Replies: 0 
In the wake of the ongoing uprising in the Middle, a situation has arisen where the foreign powers are trying to find excuses to once again get into the region. The situation is similar to what the region witnessed during the world war-I. This is a reality that owing to the strategic and economic significance of the region, Middle East has been the hub of the global conspiracies. Britain and Fran Click here to read Full Article

Projected Water Wars in South Asia by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 7/Mar/2011 Views:1781 Replies:0 
According to a 2009 study of the Purdue University, on the changing pattern of the climate, there would be an “eastern shift in monsoon circulation caused by the changing climate” causing “more rainfall over the Indian Ocean, Bangladesh and Burma and less rainfall over India, Nepal and Pakistan.” Taking the contents of this study as the baseline, and otherwise growing anxiety of Pakistan over the Click here to read Full Article
For a Durable Peace and Stability in Afghanistan BY Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 28/Feb/2011 Views:4318 Replies:0 
Tripartite talks between Pakistan, US and Afghanistan, regarding the security and stability in Afghanistan, were primarily scheduled to be held in Washington, from 23-25 February, 2011. However, owing to the arrest of a US national Raymond Davis, who killed two Pakistani nationals, US decided not to invite Pakistan in the talks. Nevertheless, there are many underlying causes for avoiding Pakistan Click here to read Full Article
Who Issued Bulk Visas to the Americans? by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 27/Feb/2011 Views:2582 Replies:0 
After the hectic campaign for the attainment of diplomatic immunity for its national, Raymond Davis, United States has finally confessed that, he was a CIA operative, on the spying mission. He is a former member of Special Forces and now works for Xe, commonly known as the Blackwater. This security company works for the CIA all over the globe as well in Pakistan. Upon the arrest of Ramond Davis, Click here to read Full Article
The Dynamics of US Talks with Taliban by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 23/Feb/2011 Views:1982 Replies:0 
The New Yorker magazine has recently disclosed that, United States is once again making direct contacts with the Afghan Taliban. As per the author of the article, “US in direct talks with Taliban” Steve Coll, these talks are still in the exploratory stage, aiming to asses, as to who is the real leader of the Taliban in this war torn country. Indeed, U.S and Karazai Government would be very careful Click here to read Full Article
While Endeavouring to Sustain US Pressure by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 23/Feb/2011 Views:27692 Replies:0 
The President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari has finally decided to call a roundtable conference on important national issues, facing Pakistan in the field of economy, security and political instability as well as the foreign policy challenges. While the consultation process for the conduct of this meeting is on its way, the timing of the proposed meetings is considered very crucial, with reference Click here to read Full Article
The Essence of the UNCIP Resolutions on Kashmir by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 8/Feb/2011 Views:1805 Replies:0 
There exist a misperception that Pakistan has not implemented the UNCIP resolutions of August 13, 1948 and January 5, 1949. Indeed, this is an allegation, taken as an excuse by Indian authorities for the non-implementation of these two famous resolutions as well as many others. India indeed, knew that, implementations of these resolutions would expose her act of aggression on Kashmir on October Click here to read Full Article
Quaid-i-Azam and Kashmir by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 26/Dec/2010 Views:2513 Replies:1 
Quaid-i-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah is among the few leaders of the 20th century, who are recipients of the greatest tributes. While, Sir Aga Khan considered him “the greatest man he ever met”, Mr. Nichols, the author of `Verdict on India', called him “the most important man in Asia.” Other gauged him as “an outstanding figure of 20th century not only in India, but in the whole world.” Since a lot h Click here to read Full Article
A New Impetus in the Pak-China Relationship by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 20/Dec/2010 Views:2204 Replies:1 
On the final day of his three days, historic visit to Pakistan, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, addressed the joint session of Pakistani Parliament. During the address, the distinguished guest lauded Pakistan’s role and sacrifices, it rendered in fighting out the terrorism. He said, “Pakistan has paid a heavy price in combating terrorism. The fight against terrorism should not be linked with a Click here to read Full Article
TAPI: The Desired Essence by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 12/Dec/2010 Views:2211 Replies:0 
The 17,000 Km long Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI), natural gas pipeline project has been signed on December 11, 2010, during Ashkhabad Summit. The project is both unique and significant. Unique in the sense that, it is third time that concern parties has agreed for its construction, but practically no construction work on it could be started as yet, mainly because of security Click here to read Full Article
Criticizing China for the Korean Crisis by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 5/Dec/2010 Views:1608 Replies:0 
The Korean peninsula shares borders with China and Russia. Japanese colonial rule over Korea prolonged from 1910-1945. During the wartime mobilization of Japan (1937-45), Koreans have been working in Japanese factories and were sent as soldiers to the front lines. During the 35-years, colonial rule, a lot of industrial development took place primarily for the purposes of strengthening Japanese war Click here to read Full Article

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