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User Name: Raja_Muhammad_Khan
Full Name: Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
User since: 16/Feb/2010
No Of voices: 97
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Preparing for Covert CIA Operation by Dr. Raja Muhammad
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan Created On: 21/Jul/2011 Views: 2424 Replies: 0 
In connection with, ‘Petraeus’s Next Campaign’ the renowned writer Mr. Robert Haddick writes in the Foreign Policy magazine dated July 15, 2011, that, “The new CIA chief will take on the covert war in Pakistan.” The magazine disclosed that, the new CIA Chief General David Petraeus, would launch a covert US campaign against Pakistan unilaterally to implement the US quasi-military operations. Sinc Click here to read Full Article

Towards Unfolding of AfPak Policy by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 18/Jul/2011 Views:2109 Replies:0 
Whereas this is an established fact that, two Afghan Provinces, namely; Kunar and Nuristan have become the “Safe Havens for Terrorists”, who as a matter of routine attack and target the Pakistani security forces, installations and innocent civilians. It is unclear as to who finance, abet and harbour them. We cannot doubt Afghan President, Mr. Hamid Karazai, who has little or no control over the A Click here to read Full Article
A United Response to Tackle the Crisis by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 14/Jul/2011 Views:2150 Replies:0 
From its very emergence in 1947, till to-date, Pakistan is a country which remained in a crisis situation. There has been frequent eruption of the crises indeed, in a series; one after the other. However, despite its short life, enormity of threats, incoherent political system and the glaring issue of the good governance, comparing with many of the countries, Pakistani nation deserve appreciation Click here to read Full Article
An Unfounded US Pressure by Dr. Raja Muhammad
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 13/Jul/2011 Views:1936 Replies:0 
The new US secretary of Defence Mr. Leon Panetta on his very first visit to Afghanistan as Secretary of Defence issued a statement that, Dr Aiman-al-Zawahiri, who succeeded OBL is hiding in the tribal areas of Pakistan. He promised the ISAF commanders including CIA Director designate, General David Patreaus that, Pakistan will be pressurized to kill Zawahiri and many bothers. Besides, the Secretar Click here to read Full Article
Indian Obstinacy on Kashmir by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 5/Jul/2011 Views:1993 Replies:0 
The two-day Indo-Pak Foreign Secretary level talks were conducted on June 23-24, 2011 in Islamabad. Pakistani delegate was headed by Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir, whereas, the Indian side was led by Secretary External Affairs, Ms. Nirupama Rao. Apart from the threats posed by terrorism, the delegates talked about the peace and security including existing series of CBMs and their implementation Click here to read Full Article
Tracing the Roots of Extremism in Pakistani Society by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 13/Jun/2011 Views:2267 Replies:0 
“Extremism denoted extreme rigidity of one’s belief and distain for other religions”. But in reality no divine religion really accepts or publicizes the extremism as such. It may be referred as a condition or an act of taking an extreme view or else taking a farthest action. Politically, the phrase is used for any political theory favouring immoderate and uncompromising policies. In the academic Click here to read Full Article
Defence Budget in the Realm of Power Politics by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 8/Jun/2011 Views:2182 Replies:0 
As per the realist’s school of thought, the international system is essentially based on power politics. The agents of the international system; the states, always aspires to acquire power. The most significant and the tangible element of the power is the hard military power, though, economy of a country plays a significant role in its attainment. A strong diplomacy is yet another tool of power po Click here to read Full Article
Inside the Military Budget by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 7/Jun/2011 Views:2116 Replies:0 
For the financial year 2011-12, the Government of Pakistan has increased the country’s Military budget by 12 percent. This also includes the 15% increase in the salaries of the employees. The total amount of the budget is Rs. 495 billion, compared to Rs 442 billion for the year 2010-11. In term of USD, the total amount is about $ 5.75 bn. The Finance Minister while justifying the increase in the Click here to read Full Article
The Flipside of Abbotabad Fiasco by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 16/May/2011 Views:1774 Replies:0 
In its first formal response after the joint session of the Parliament, the Pakistan legislatures have called for a “review of the country's relationship with the US.” The review of the policy is considered essential because of the US military operation on Pakistani soil which violated the Pakistani air space without prior permission or a warning. Indeed, this is very serious event in the history Click here to read Full Article
Looming Water Wars in South Asia by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 17/Mar/2011 Views:2098 Replies:0 
On the assertion of Indian Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, in 1948, Pakistan showed a flexibility to discuss the water issues separately from the Kashmir dispute. This act of Pakistan was the biggest blunder in our history. Earlier, India stopped the flow of water to Pakistan, as all the head works, regulating the water flow were situated in the areas located under Indian control. Keeping Click here to read Full Article
Meeting the Middle Eastern Crises by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 16/Mar/2011 Views:1532 Replies:0 
United States and European Union has issued stern warnings to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to end its tyrannical rule over the country. The self made leader has been ruling this oil rich country since last forty-two years. The prolonged rule would not have been a concern had there been deprivations of the masses addressed to their satisfaction. After all, Libyan people do have the right to lead a Click here to read Full Article

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