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User Name: Raja_Muhammad_Khan
Full Name: Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
User since: 16/Feb/2010
No Of voices: 97
Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan's Favorite Voices
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Defeating the Conspiracies by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan Created On: 12/Dec/2011 Views: 3804 Replies: 0 
“U.S seeks to leave behind a united, capable, stable and independent Afghanistan. Pakistan wants an Afghanistan, which is stable, but dependent on Pakistan. Pakistan has chosen to embrace terror, but should do so without US aid.” According to ‘The Economic Times’ these were the exact words of former U.S ambassador to India, Robert Blackwill. The former ambassador expressed this viewpoint during an Click here to read Full Article

Should Pakistan Grant MFN Status to India by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 17/Oct/2011 Views:2211 Replies:0 
Whereas, according to Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistan “has decided in principle to grant the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to India,” the question arises, would there be some concession from Indian side in reciprocation. Though India has already granted Pakistan MFN status in 1996, but events followed thereafter and particularly after 9/11, were against the spirit of bilateralism Click here to read Full Article
Understanding the New Conspiracies by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 12/Oct/2011 Views:1816 Replies:0 
In his radio interview, President Obama covered up the Mullen’s accusations against Pakistan, as mere “frustration” of this US military Chief, who could not win a success in Afghanistan, despite an extension in his service. President Karazai and his intelligence set up did not wait for a respite to Pakistan from these allegations, once they accused her of involvement in the killing of former Click here to read Full Article
It’s Time US should accept the Harsh Realities. by Dr Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 27/Sep/2011 Views:1993 Replies:0 
Pakistani Army Chief General Kayani’s brief and succinct response to the long list of allegations by Admiral Mullen, Pentagon, CIA and US State Department is considered enough for the consumption of all those having misperceptions about Pakistan. This brief response has a message for the US and rest of the world. The message is loud and clear that, US officials are indeed misleading the US people Click here to read Full Article
In the National Interest by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 19/Sep/2011 Views:2278 Replies:0 
In the context of regional security situation along Pak-Afghan front, the last week was marked by three important events, having global implications. The first event was an unfortunate terrorist attack near US Embassy and NATO Headquarters, in Kabul, which lasted for over twenty long hours. The attack ended by killing two militant by ISAF. Sequel to attack, US blamed that; this attack was launched Click here to read Full Article
Security of Pakistan: 9/11 and Thereafter by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 12/Sep/2011 Views:2496 Replies:0 
The unfortunate event of 9/11 was a major setback to the humanity in the very beginning of 21st century. This event changed the dynamics of international security and traditional pattern of managing the defence and security of nation states. It introduced asymmetry in the warfare and traditional order of security strategies of the nation states. It was also the beginning of a new form of warfare, Click here to read Full Article
Needing an Economic Rational for Imperialism by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 29/Aug/2011 Views:1938 Replies:0 
Under the current scenario, once U.S is in a fix, mainly because of its worst economic crisis, and a total failure on Afghan front, it badly needs a scapegoat to satisfy the American audience and its European partners. While it might find the scapegoat in the form of Pakistan and Afghan Pashtuns, its European partners and masses back home are getting tired and are highly critical to US policies of Click here to read Full Article
At the NDU Washington by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 22/Aug/2011 Views:2150 Replies:0 
During a debate focusing on the situation in the Pak-Afghan region, at National Defence University (NDU), Washington, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton declared the relationship with Pakistan as of “Paramount importance.” Mr Leon Panetta, the US Defence Secretary, seconded Ms. Clinton and said that US has no choice, but to maintain its relationship with Pakistan, to safeguard its vital i Click here to read Full Article
Haqqani Network: How US Exploits Pakistan by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 9/Aug/2011 Views:3802 Replies:0 
In the process of combating the terrorism, Pakistan and United Sates have worked as partner for a decade now. Surely, none of individuals perpetrated the incident of 9/11, belonged to Pakistan. They all were Arabs and so was OBL or Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, arrested and handed over to US along with over 700 other wanted terrorists by Pakistan. By compulsion under US pressure, or as inevitability, Pa Click here to read Full Article
A New Optimism in the Indo-Pak Foreign Ministers Talks by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 1/Aug/2011 Views:2558 Replies:0 
The Indo-Pak Foreign Ministers level meeting held in New Delhi on July 27, 2010. In order to set the agenda for this ministerial level meeting, the foreign secretaries of both countries met a day earlier in New Delhi. Upon arrival back home, the Pakistani Foreign Minister, Ms. Hinna Rabbani Khar, said that Indian authorities have assured her that the long derailed Indo-Pak relationship would be ba Click here to read Full Article
An Unjust Arrest by US Justice Department by Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan
Posted By: Raja_Muhammad_Khan On: 26/Jul/2011 Views:2700 Replies:0 
The news of the arrest of Dr. Ghlum Nabi Fai, a peace promoter by United States authorities has come as a shock wave among the Kashmiris living across the globe. This icon of peace is a US national, though originally hailed from the Indian Occupied Kashmir. He is residing in US since many decades and has largely contributed towards the US economy. The charges that the US Justice Department has Click here to read Full Article

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