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User Name: Abdul_Wahid
Full Name: Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
User since: 21/Nov/2008
No Of voices: 24
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To Pakistan from CIA, Mossad, RAW; to govt from GHQ, CIA by Zamir Sheikh
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid Created On: 26/Dec/2009 Views: 3119 Replies: 0 
KARACHI � The troika of spy agencies of US, Israel and India seems to have joined hands and is working covertly through invisible forces not only to destabilise Pakistan but to subvert Pakistan�s nuclear capability, said Barrister Kamal Azfar, a former Governor of Sindh and a confidant of founding C Click here to read Full Article

Videos: Zaid Hamid on GAZA Massacre - Excellent Program Must Watch
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 3/Jan/2009 Views:3717 Replies:0 
Videos: Zaid Hamid on GAZA Massacre - Excellent Program Must Watch - Spread the Word Click here to read Full Article
Anarchy In The UK (and the birth of SGS - STOP GAZA SLAUGHTER)
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 3/Jan/2009 Views:3174 Replies:0 
THE murderous military campaign which has been unleashed by Israel has provoked people across the world to demonstrate, rally and protest in their hundreds of thousands. Soon the movement will turn in Click here to read Full Article
Qadianiya in the Light of Islam
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 31/Dec/2008 Views:3079 Replies:0 
Qadianiyyah is a movement that started in 1900 CE as a plot by the British colonialists in the Indian subcontinent, with the aim of diverting Muslims away from their religion and from the obligation o Click here to read Full Article
Transparency in Pakistan's Media, Benazir and the US
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 26/Dec/2008 Views:3524 Replies:0 
The credibility of the government is low but so is the credibility of the media. The media coverage, with some exceptions, is compromised by commercial interests and the agencies. Also, there is no t Click here to read Full Article
Ex-ISI Chief Gul Exposes 9/11 Inside Job - he Goes In-Depth On Details CNN
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 26/Dec/2008 Views:3293 Replies:0 
Goes In-Depth On Details CNN Refused to Broadcast. Former Pakistani ISI chief Hamid Gul appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and shared his contention that the 9/11 attack was an inside job, layi Click here to read Full Article
Five ways to disobey Allah!
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 25/Dec/2008 Views:3801 Replies:0 
Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi mentions a conversation between a young lad and the great scholar Ibrahim Bin Adham in his book Kitab At-Tawwabeen, page 285. The young boy: O Abu Ishaq, I am wronging my soul, Click here to read Full Article
RAW's infiltration in Pakistan
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 25/Dec/2008 Views:3593 Replies:0 
Here is the article on RAW (the wicked Indian Intelligence) and its activities against the nations of subcontinent. It proves my point of how many Indian insurgents are actively supporting separatist Click here to read Full Article
Let the Indians Strike Targets: US to Zardari
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 22/Dec/2008 Views:3324 Replies:0 
Reports coming in from variuos sources suggest that COAS Kiyani yesterday made it clear that regardless of how the civilan government chooses to respond to the US request to allow Indian 'surgical str Click here to read Full Article
Neocon Plans for Pakistan Exposed!
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 19/Dec/2008 Views:3976 Replies:0 
This is the Neocons plan to disassemble Pakistan, give northern Pakistan to Afghanistan, Southwest Pakistan to the Balochs. all this in an effort to restrict Chinese access to energy and herd energy r Click here to read Full Article
Debate Flares Over Israel's Access to American Secrets by Marc Perelman
Posted By: Abdul_Wahid On: 13/Dec/2008 Views:2277 Replies:0 
A bestselling author writing about America's most secretive intelligence agency is raising eyebrows with his claims that Israeli intelligence has potentially gained access to sensitive American commun Click here to read Full Article

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