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User Name: AdeelAyub
Full Name: Adeel Ayub
User since: 13/Jan/2010
No Of voices: 6
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Pakistani LGS Girls win NASA competition
Posted By: AdeelAyub Created On: 7/Aug/2010 Views: 3824 Replies: 0 
LGS Kabana, a team from the LahoreGrammar School (LGS) Main Gulberg has won the NASA-affiliated Space Settlement Design Competition held in the US. The finals were held on August 2 at the Johnson Space Centre, Texas. Click here to read Full Article

Zardari Said “Quaid-e-Azam was non-graduate
Posted By: AdeelAyub On: 3/Jul/2010 Views:5705 Replies:0 
The Fake Degree mess is now spilling all over the place and not even Honorable Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah is spared. Our President in all Josh and Valvala said in his speach that Even Quaid-e-Azam was non-graduate then why graduation is mandatory for them. I dont know what seems to be running in our President’s head, but Jinnah was a Barrister and studied 4 years at Lincoln Inn , London. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan's NED Students Make Fuel-Efficient Car
Posted By: AdeelAyub On: 31/May/2010 Views:4843 Replies:0 
WinMark is a group of 12 engineering students, who have made a car locally in Pakistan that can cover 80 Kilometers per liter. WinMark is participating in Shell Eco-Marathon, the 25th global competition which will be held first time in Asia (Malaysia) in July 2010. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistani Government announced to double the Passport Fees
Posted By: AdeelAyub On: 29/May/2010 Views:2984 Replies:0 
Well the Government of Pakistan led by PPP found another way to increase more revenues, this time government put further axe on the masses by increasing cost of living for them. The government of Pakistan announced to double the passport fees in Pakistan as well as People of Pakistan living abroad. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistani Sayeeda Warsi (U.K. Minister and Tory Party Chair Person)
Posted By: AdeelAyub On: 19/May/2010 Views:5728 Replies:3 
The new Prime Minister of United Kingdom David Cameron, from the Conservative Party, has named 39-year old, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi of Dewsbury whose family belong to Gujjar Khan, Pakistan, as a Minister in UK Cabinet and as Chair Person of the Conservative Party. Click here to read Full Article
Pakistani’s Not Allowed In “At Home” Chinese Restaurant Islamabad
Posted By: AdeelAyub On: 13/Jan/2010 Views:3656 Replies:0 
Now the time has come that we are not able to move anywhere in our home land. There is Chines Restaurant in “At Home” located in Islamabad, F-8-1, Street 30, House 12-A, where Pakistanis are not allowed to get in. Let me share Story first and then I'll discuss it. Click here to read Full Article

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