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User Name: BrassTacks
Full Name: BrassTacks
User since: 11/Jul/2008
No Of voices: 3
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Video: Zaid Hamid explaining Bomay bomb blasts
Posted By: BrassTacks Created On: 9/Dec/2008 Views: 2930 Replies: 0 
Pakistan media accuses BJP for the blast in Mumbai, and call its as a Drama Click here to read Full Article

PPP Facilitates The Invasion Of Pakistan By ZAID HAMID
Posted By: BrassTacks On: 23/Nov/2008 Views:2593 Replies:0 
Obama is to finish what Bush could not - invade Pakistani tribal areas or perhaps the country itself. But before that Pakistan has to be brought on its knees in terms of economy and defense. The IMF d Click here to read Full Article
US game plan against Pakistani nukes gets into high gear!!! - BrassTacks
Posted By: BrassTacks On: 11/Jul/2008 Views:2488 Replies:0 
US game plan against Pakistani nukes gets into high gear!!! - BrassTacks Click here to read Full Article

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Video: Zaid Hamid explaining Bomay bomb blasts
Views:2930 Replies:0
PPP Facilitates The Invasion Of Pakistan By ZAID HAMID
Views:2593 Replies:0
US game plan against Pakistani nukes gets into high gear!!! - BrassTacks
Views:2488 Replies:0

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